How to quickly clean oil with vinegar: simple methods
How to clean oil with vinegar easily and quickly
When cleaning mushrooms, certain difficulties arise. The fact is that the butterdish hat is quite slippery, so removing it is a laborious and painstaking process. How to process mushrooms and clean them of adhering dirt, while protecting their hands from brown spots? In this situation, every housewife will come to the rescue with the usual table vinegar.
To clean the oil with vinegar, you need to boil a small amount of it with water (about 3-5 tablespoons per 1 liter of water). Then, in a boiling solution, lower the mushrooms for 20 seconds, after placing them in a colander. Then remove and proceed with cleaning. Thanks to acetic acid, the adhering debris will move away much easier and faster, and the peel from the cap will be removed without problems.
Another simple way how to quickly clean the oil with vinegar is as follows: moisten the sponge in a weak vinegar solution and gently wipe the mushroom cap. This method will allow you to remove the mucus from the oil and easily remove the film. After the top layer from the caps is removed, the mushrooms must be placed in a container of water for 20 minutes to remove the remaining dirt and sand. Then you should rinse the oil in salted water with the addition of a small amount of vinegar. It is important to remember that the oil cannot be soaked in water before cleaning, then the cap film will swell and it will be very difficult to remove, and the mushroom itself will become watery and slippery.
As you can see, peeling the oil with vinegar is very quick and easy. Moreover, this is one of the most effective methods, because thanks to the acid contained in vinegar, you can also get rid of the bitterness that is inherent in oils. Knowing these tricks, every housewife will be able to cook a very tasty and healthy meal from butter.