How to quickly peel mushrooms from the ground and dirt (with video)
The needles, leaves, moss and other forest debris are cleaned with a wide soft brush, cotton swab or soft cloth. The garbage that pests to the smooth mushroom hat is scraped off with a knife. From mushrooms that do not require heat treatment, garbage is removed especially carefully, cleaning the folds with a brush. With a sharp stainless steel knife, all darkened and softened places are cut out, as well as those parts that are damaged by forest pests. Mushrooms should be washed and soaked as little as possible, if the type of mushrooms does not require this.
How to clean black mushrooms before salting
Mushrooms that are used for frying or drying do not wash. Mushrooms processed by other methods are quickly rinsed with cold water and thrown onto a sieve, sieve to glass water. Salty mushrooms or bitter tasting mushrooms are soaked to improve their palatability. The washed mushrooms are placed in cold water and usually soaked for 2-6 hours. When steeping bitter or salted mushrooms, the water is changed every hour, so that unwanted substances dissolve faster. Dried mushrooms are soaked to restore moisture in them. The water in which they were soaked is used as food. During heat treatment, microorganisms are destroyed, so the mushrooms are free from germs after boiling in water, frying or sterilizing. Mushrooms after heat treatment can be stored for a long time.
About how to clean black mushrooms before pickling, they can be soaked in warm water.
By the way, attention: you must handle these royal mushrooms with great respect - you can not soak the black mushrooms for three days!
This is an irreparable mistake! Irreparable - because these delicious mushrooms from such treatment lose their aroma and taste. You can soak them for three hours, and then only in order to wash off the ingrained sand and particles of earth. And then into the cold pickling!
Before you quickly clean the breasts from dirt, you must carefully remove soil, adhering leaves, blades of grass, various debris from them, rinse well and thoroughly. But even with careful processing, the development of botulinum spores in harvested mushrooms is not excluded, especially if they are stored in hermetically sealed containers.At the same time, sterilization at home does not destroy spores, since they die at temperatures above 125 ° C. It is impossible to achieve this at home. Just as there is no way how to clean the breasts from the ground in full. However, despite this, many canned mushrooms, rolling them with metal lids. Such canned foods should be boiled for at least 30 minutes in an enameled container before use, and you can add a little water and salt.
Before you properly clean the black mushrooms, you need to make sure that the mushrooms for harvesting are fresh, collected on the same day, it is better in dry weather or in the morning when the soil dries from dew. Mushrooms collected during rain contain a lot of moisture and are not suitable for harvesting, especially for drying. It is better to use young mushrooms with dense pulp, without damage. For each mushroom, the appropriate method of preservation is chosen, which ensures the preservation or emphasizes their valuable taste, color or other features of this type of mushroom.
How to clean white breasts
When cooking mushrooms, you must follow the tips on how to properly clean the salting mushrooms:
- a knife for cleaning and cutting mushrooms should be small and always made of stainless metal;
- mushrooms can not be soaked for a long time. They should be washed quickly with cold water and put in a colander;
- peeled and especially already washed mushrooms should be immediately processed;
- for cooking mushrooms it is not recommended to use cast-iron, copper or tin dishes;
- it is not recommended to mix mushrooms of different types, each species should be prepared separately;
- mushroom dishes must be consumed on the day of preparation, or stored in the refrigerator at a temperature of from –2 to –4 ° С;
- Do not leave the next day mushroom dishes cooked with potatoes;
- it is better to store fresh, unprocessed mushrooms in the refrigerator than mushroom dishes;
- You should never eat mushrooms whose edibility is in doubt.
Preparing milk for canning also has its own characteristics. Before you properly peel the white mushrooms, the mushrooms are sorted according to size, peel and cut the legs, departing from the hat of young porcini mushrooms by 0.5 - 1 cm. The remaining part of the legs is cleaned with a knife, scraping the skin. Then wash the mushrooms. Keep mushrooms for a long time in water should not be, as this results in the loss of aromatic and soluble solids. Mushrooms can be washed well by changing the water 4 to 5 times in 10 minutes. Prepared mushrooms are washed and boiled in saline (30-40 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 5-10 minutes. To avoid darkening of the mushrooms, 2 to 3 g of citric acid per 1 liter of water are added to the saline solution during cooking. After cooking, the dishes with mushrooms are removed from the heat and immediately immersed in cold water for cooling, so that the mushrooms do not boil. Chilled mushrooms are placed in prepared jars with a capacity of 0.5 l and poured with pre-prepared brine containing 1 l of water:
- 30 g of salt
- 2 g citric acid
How to Peel Dry Loafs Easier
The most tested and reliable way to preserve mushrooms is to dry them. Properly dried mushrooms are well stored, remain tasty and nutritious. They are used to make soups, fries, sauces, fillings. For drying, it is necessary to select fresh, young, strong, undamaged mushrooms. Before you clean future dry breasts, mushrooms intended for drying, you need to carefully inspect, clean from needles, leaves, sand, cut out damaged areas, wipe with a damp cloth (but just do not wash, since the mushrooms easily absorb water and slowly dry). Then sort them by size - this will ensure their uniform drying. The leg of the mushroom must be cut (large mushroom cut into pieces); string mushrooms on twine, a harsh thread, thin stainless wire or on thin wooden twigs.
There are different drying methods. But you need to know about how easier it is to clean the breasts, which can be used for this.Mushrooms can be dried in the sun, in the oven, oven, in dryers and even around a fire. If the weather permits, the mushrooms are dried in the sun and in a draft (air-solar drying), previously threaded them or laid out in pieces of plywood or cardboard with the caps down. When air-dried, mushrooms strung on twine or wire are suspended in a well-ventilated place - under a canopy, in the attic. In the oven or oven, it is better to dry the mushrooms previously dried, otherwise they will bake, steam. It is very important to protect mushrooms from burning. The oven must be properly prepared: heat, heat and ash, and throw a handful of flour or a strip of paper on a hot stove: if the flour turns brown immediately and the paper is charred, then the oven needs to be slightly cooled. Then put in the oven sieves, trays, baking sheets, covered with paper, with mushrooms placed on them in a row.
In the oven, mushrooms are usually dried on baking sheets or strung on metal rods. For drying, dry the mushrooms with a knife, cut off the wormy parts and wipe them with a dry cloth. Then they are cut with a sharp knife into plates with a thickness of 3-5 mm and dried spread out on gratings or on dry boards (in no case on tin, since they turn black and stick to it) in the sun or in a dryer. You can also dry them in the sun, and dry them in the oven. If the mushrooms are dried in the sun, then they are not left overnight, so that they do not get wet from dew or in the rain. If they are dried in an oven or dryer, the temperature is maintained first at 45 ° C and then at 65 ° C.
Mushrooms should be dried for two days so that they retain a beautiful color, especially species with white flesh.
If the mushrooms do not have time to dry, then for the third time they are dried at a temperature of 55–65 ° C. Drying is considered complete when the mushrooms bend and break easily. We must remember that dry mushrooms strongly absorb extraneous odors, so you should not keep them together with products that have a strong smell. After drying, the water content in the mushrooms decreases from 90 to 10-15%. Such mushrooms are hygroscopic, they easily absorb moisture, so in a dry place they are laid out in jars and covered with lids.
For the preparation of mushroom powder use high-quality dried mushrooms or their crumbs. To do this, dried mushrooms can be passed through a meat grinder, and the resulting powder is scattered on banks that are hermetically sealed to prevent moisture from entering. Shredded dried mushrooms are convenient to store, since they occupy a smaller container, they can be used in cooking.
How to peel the mushrooms before frying
It is important to know how to clean the breasts before frying, at least in order to be able to cook the next delicious dish.
- 1 kg of mushrooms (3 l)
- 330 g of butter;
- 20 g (3 teaspoons) of salt.
Fresh mushrooms are cleaned, quickly washed with cold water, allowed to drain and cut into water. In a cooking bowl, heat the oil, put the mushrooms, add salt, cover and cook the mushrooms at a low boil for 45-50 minutes. Then they fry without a lid until the evaporated juice evaporates and the oil becomes transparent. Hot mushrooms are transferred to small (for one-time use) sterilized jars. Top with melted butter, which should cover the mushrooms with a layer above at least 1 cm. The jars are immediately hermetically sealed and cooled. Under the influence of light, fats break down, so you should use dark cans and store mushrooms in a dark, dry and cool place. Of course, instead of butter, you can use melted pork lard, vegetable fat, vegetable oil, etc., but butter gives the mushrooms a special taste.
See how to clean the breasts quickly on the video, which illustrates some of the secrets of this process.