Baked champignons on the grill
Before you prepare a fragrant kebab of champignons on the grill, you must prepare the necessary products. Mushrooms for delicacies should be selected only the freshest, with white caps, without black or brown blotches (their presence indicates that champignons have long been cut). The mushroom cap should be tight. And the longer the mushrooms lie, the more it opens.
As for the sizes, they are clearly demonstrated by the photos of champignon kebabs baked on the grill below. Take a look at them to determine exactly what size mushrooms should be preferred for a picnic.
As you can see from the image, for cooking on the grill, medium and large sizes of products are suitable. It is important that they do not fall from the skewer and do not fall through the holes of the grill.
- How to fry mushrooms on the grill: little tricks
- How to fry mushrooms in olive oil on the grill
- How to make champignons on the grill: recipes for marinade with sour cream and mayonnaise
- Mushrooms fried on the grill in garlic mayonnaise
- Grilled champignon recipe with soy sauce and onion
- How to marinate mushrooms for frying on the grill to cook a spicy dish
- Grilled champignons on the grill: how to marinate mushrooms for frying with suneli
- How to cook mushrooms with tomatoes on a grill on a wire rack
- How to cook a delicious mushroom shish kebab from champignons fried on the grill (with photo)
- Recipe for Stuffed Marinated Mushrooms Roasted on the Grill
- The recipe for fresh mushrooms with tomatoes on the grill
How to fry mushrooms on the grill: little tricks
Before you start frying mushrooms on the grill, it is worth learning a few little tricks:
- Shish kebab coals should be from well-burnt wood. It is best to give preference to birch coals.
- To avoid possible health problems after the weekend, only the freshest champignons should be baked on the grill. In this case, heat treatment will not save you from infection, because champignons fry in not very strong heat and not for long.
- Mushrooms are baked on the grill for a maximum of 15 minutes, but at this time you should not leave them so that they do not burn out.
- Cooking delicious champignon mushrooms on the grill involves the use of marinade, which will make them softer, provide an opportunity to soak in various aromas of spices, spices, and acquire a bright taste.
- When making a marinade, you can rely on your taste only when seasoning with spices for your own use. If you have to cook for several people, it is best to use standard tips if the amount of salt and pepper in the recipe is indicated exactly.
Adhering to such simple rules, it is very easy to please your loved ones and friends at a picnic.
How to fry mushrooms in olive oil on the grill
Technologies to bake mushroom skewers on a barbecue grill or on skewers, a huge amount. A very simple marinade recipe for cooking mushrooms on the grill is an option involving the use of olive oil. It provides for the presence of:
- ½ kg of mushrooms;
- 50 ml of olive oil;
- Italian herbs and salt (a pinch);
- 1 sprig of thyme;
- juice of 1 lemon.

Rinse the champignons well, put them on a paper towel, dry them to get rid of moisture and liquids, and then remove the upper skin from the cap.

After that, mix all the other ingredients for the sauce in a large bowl.

Pour mushrooms into it and mix gently.

Leave in the cold for marinating for an hour. After that, not too hot coals should be placed skewers or grill with mushroom skewers.

Bake until browned - about ¼ hour, periodically turning over.
How to make champignons on the grill: recipes for marinade with sour cream and mayonnaise
For the traditional method of soaking, dip the champignons in mayonnaise or sour cream to bake on the grill.
Sour cream version of the treat involves the acquisition of:
- a small package of sour cream;
- spices and seasonings of your own preference;
- 1 kg of mushrooms.
Mix sour cream with spices and seasonings in a deep bowl. Carefully pour previously washed and peeled mushrooms into the prepared mixture, carefully turn them in sour cream several times with a silicone spatula. After closing the pan and set aside for 2-3 hours in the cool. It is necessary to periodically turn the mushrooms with a spatula so that the marinade does not dry out.
After several hours of pickling, you can lay them out on a barbecue grill or string them on skewers. Note that frying the pickled champignons on the grill is a very delicate and quick matter. This procedure takes only 10-15 minutes, during which you should not move away from the delicacy so that it does not burn out. In addition, you should periodically rotate and pour mushroom skewers with marinade.
If sour cream is not at hand, you can use the method of preparing champignons in a marinade with mayonnaise on the grill. This is a quick preparation method in which products can be infused from ¼ to 3 hours. It is perfect if you were visited unexpectedly by guests, or a desire to enjoy yummy arose suddenly.
In this case, look in the bins for such components for the marinade (based on 0.7 kg of mushrooms):
- 200 g mayonnaise;
- cilantro or coriander - 1 tsp;
- black pepper in peas - 4 pcs.;
- spices of your own preference;
- soy sauce - 50 ml;
- mustard - 1 dessert spoon.
Pour the prepared mushrooms into a container. Before you make a marinade, to grill mushrooms on the grill, you need to crush a little grain of coriander and pepper, mix them with soy sauce, mustard, spices and mayonnaise. During the preparation of the marinade, you need to taste it. Optionally, you can increase the volume of an ingredient. Pour mushrooms with the resulting mixture, mix gently, thoroughly. When the mushrooms are infused, string them on skewers and put to bake for ¼ h.
There is another simple recipe for toasting champignons on the grill with mayonnaise. It is quite cheap and simple.
To bake mushrooms in this way, you need to buy:
- 200 gram pack of mayonnaise;
- ½ kg or a little more champignons;
- spices according to your own preferences.
The well-washed, dried, peeled mushrooms on the hat must be put in a large container. Season them to taste with spices, then pour mayonnaise. Mushrooms should be marinated for at least 4 hours, it is better to leave them so in the cold overnight. After you can start stringing and cooking dishes. It is important not to forget about the minimum cooking time of mushrooms, as well as the need to scroll them during frying.
Mushrooms fried on the grill in garlic mayonnaise
For lovers of garlic flavor in dishes, we can recommend the following version of champignons, fried on the grill in mayonnaise with garlic, the components for which will be:
- 0.5 kg of mushrooms;
- 200 gram bag of mayonnaise;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- favorite greens to taste;
- ground black pepper.
Prepare the mushrooms, pour them into a large container. Stir mayonnaise with garlic, chopped herbs and spices. Pour mushrooms with the resulting mixture, carefully turning them in the sauce with a silicone spatula so that each is completely covered with marinade. They should remain in this form for several hours, after which you can begin to fry them for 15 minutes. on the grill or skewer.
Another way to get a fragrant garlic flavor in mushroom kebab involves a Chinese recipe for preparing mushrooms on a grill with garlic.
It requires such components:
- 1 kg of mushrooms;
- 1 tsp vinegar 6%;
- 5 tbsp. l soy sauce;
- 50 ml of sunflower or olive oil;
- 2 tbsp. l mayonnaise;
- 4 cloves of garlic;
- 1 tsp mustard.
Pour mushrooms prepared in a known manner in a large bowl. Crush the garlic with a press and put to them. Next, you need to mix the remaining components, making the sauce. Marinate the mushrooms in the mixture, gently mixing them with a silicone spatula. You can leave the products in such a marinade for 3 hours, after which they are fried.
Grilled champignon recipe with soy sauce and onion
Fans of aromatic foods can be pleased with another recipe for champignons fried on the grill with soy sauce and onions. Soy sauce is used in marinade, giving a special, specific flavor to foods.
This method of pickling involves the use of the following products:
- 0.8 kg of champignons;
- 1/3 Art. soy sauce;
- 4 medium onion heads;
- 3 tsp Paprika
- 3 tsp Basilica
- 5 pieces. bay leaf;
- several branches of parsley;
- 1/3 Art. sunflower oil;
- 0.5 lemon or 1 lime (squeeze juice).
To bake mushrooms with soy sauce on the grill, you must first prepare the mushrooms and put them in a pan. Pour onions, chopped into large rings, and all the other ingredients on the list. Mix everything carefully so that each mushroom is in sauce and spices. Then leave to soak in the room for an hour or a half. After this time, string champignons with onions on skewers or put on a wire rack, fry on medium heat for no more than 10 minutes.
How to marinate mushrooms for frying on the grill to cook a spicy dish
For those who prefer a sharpness of taste, you can advise you to try the following method, how to pickle mushrooms for frying on the grill.
It involves the use of such products:
- 1 kg of mushrooms;
- 5 tbsp. l olive oil;
- ½ tbsp. l mustard;
- 2 tbsp. l balsamic vinegar;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 2 tsp Sahara;
- 0.5 tsp salt.
Before preparing the sharp mushrooms on the grill, they must be washed, dried and peeled off the hats, and then marinated in a special sauce.
Crush the garlic with a press. Combine olive oil, mustard, balsamic vinegar, crushed garlic, sugar and salt in a large bowl. Mix everything thoroughly with a whisk. Dip the mushrooms in the finished sauce, mix gently. Put in the refrigerator for a few hours soaking in the marinade. After that, string the product on skewers. Cook in light heat for about 10-15 minutes.
Marinating mushrooms for a large company in this way should be careful. Before pickling the mushrooms for roasting on the grill according to the recipe suggested above, think about it. You should not do them all in this sauce, unless there is 100% certainty that everyone prefers sharp taste notes. Having decided to opt for this option of pickling, you should definitely warn your guests about it so that the thrills do not spoil their triumph.
Grilled champignons on the grill: how to marinate mushrooms for frying with suneli
If there is no certainty that all guests will be able to appreciate the spicy marinade, it is better to marinate the mushrooms for frying on the mangle according to the method described below, and make the sauce hot for them. Then the tastes of each guest will be taken into account and everyone will be satisfied with the holiday.
To do this, take:
- 1 kg of mushrooms;
- seasoning hops-suneli;
- 1 or 2 tbsp. l soy sauce;
- 5 tbsp. l olive or sunflower oils;
- spices to your liking.
Gently mix the prepared mushrooms in a container with the remaining components. Leave to soak for 3 hours. After that, you can string them on skewers and bake on the grill. Mushrooms pickled using this method should be left on the coals for no more than 5 minutes. Spicy sauce for fried champignons on this grill using this method can be prepared by mixing the following components:
- 1 tbsp. l American mustard;
- 1 tbsp. l ground hot red pepper;
- 2 tbsp. l grape vinegar;
- a few tablespoons of liquid honey;
- 5 tbsp. l olive oil;
- 1 tsp salt.
Before serving the mushrooms on the festive table, simply divide them into 2 dishes. On one, let just baked mushrooms remain, and on the second, pour them on top of the sauce.
How to cook mushrooms with tomatoes on a grill on a wire rack
When thinking about how best to cook mushrooms on the grill: on the grill or on skewers, it is worth considering how large the mushrooms are and what holes are in the grill. Small mushrooms will fall out through large squares, and slide, tearing, from the skewer. But even if the mushrooms are small, they can be fried using a barbecue. To do this, simply string the mushrooms on skewers, put on the wire rack and fix the lid.
As for the marinade, it is worth using the recipe below for preparing mushrooms on the grill on the grill, for which to purchase:
- ½ kg of mushrooms;
- several large tomatoes;
- 200 gram packaging of mayonnaise;
- spices to taste.
Put pre-washed and peeled mushrooms in a large bowl. Add mayonnaise and spices, mix everything carefully. Leave in the refrigerator for 4 hours, after which it will be possible to string them on skewers and fry them on a barbecue. At this time, cut the tomatoes into mugs with a thickness of about 1/2 cm, put in a bowl where the mushrooms were previously marinated, dip into the remaining marinade. After that, spread it on a barbecue and fry in light heat. Small mushrooms are not fried for long, 5-7 minutes. Serve mushrooms with tomatoes together.
How to cook a delicious mushroom shish kebab from champignons fried on the grill (with photo)
Another way to make delicious original mushrooms on the grill is to use cream in the marinade. Thus cooked mushrooms will surely please everyone, they will have a gentle creamy aftertaste. The preparation of such mushrooms involves the use of the following components:
- 1 kg of mushrooms;
- 150 g butter;
- 2 tbsp. l cream;
- spices according to personal preference.
Before pickling mushrooms champignons for roasting on the grill, it is necessary to rinse them, dry them slightly and remove the skin from the hat. After that, you can start cooking the marinade. To do this, melt the butter in a pan, pour the cream into it. Mix well so that they turn into a single mass. Pour this mixture into the mushrooms, put it in the cold for 2.5 hours.
Next, seasoned with spices. It is necessary to string future mushroom skewers on skewers or put on a wire rack. After putting fry in medium heat for 5-7 minutes. This is one of the fastest ways to cook kebab.
Look how appetizing this kebab looks in these photos:
Recipe for Stuffed Marinated Mushrooms Roasted on the Grill
The recipe for stuffed champignons fried on the grill will be a real find for those who dream of a quick, tasty and satisfying lunch in the fresh air. This is a rather creative solution that will not leave anyone indifferent at a picnic.
The preparation of such a delicious and nutritious dish as stuffed pickled champignons, fried on the grill according to this recipe, involves the use of the following components:
- 1/2 kg of mushrooms;
- marinade products according to one of the above recipes;
- hard or processed cheese for the filling - 100-150 g;
- greens according to personal preference;
- sausage - 200 g;
- 1 boiled egg.
Stuffing mushrooms provides for 2 stages of their preparation:
- Make a marinade according to 1 of the above recipes for pickled mushrooms for frying on the grill. Rinse large mushrooms with whole hats, dry thoroughly, peel, separate the leg from the cap, and marinate.
- Crush, mix and place the filling products on the pickled hats.
Place the hats on a wire rack and fry until the cheese melts and begins to boil.
The recipe for fresh mushrooms with tomatoes on the grill
Very interesting is the tomato marinade for champignon barbecue. Take a look, below are photos of mushrooms on the grill, prepared according to this recipe.
These mouth-watering mushrooms just ask to be eaten. To bring this to life, take:
- 1 kg of mushrooms;
- ½ tbsp. water;
- 1 large tomato;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- herbs, spices, vinegar to taste;
- ½ tbsp. sunflower oil.
Crush the garlic, chop the greens, cut the tomato into small pieces. Mix all this in a deep container and combine with vinegar, spices, diluted with water, mix. Add half sunflower oil and mix well. Pour the prepared mushrooms to the resulting mixture and gently mix. Insist 2 hours, then string on skewers or spread on a wire rack and bake, turning, about ¼ h.
There are so many opportunities to diversify your vacation, so run faster to the supermarket for groceries - and rather to the cottage, to the forest or to the small river for a picnic! Bon Appetit!