Hat (diameter 3-9 cm): reddish-brown, slightly convex, with time becomes flat or even depressed. It feels smooth, but may also be slightly wrinkled.
Leg (height 4-9 cm): cylindrical in shape, expanding from bottom to top.
Records: white, in old mushrooms may be brown or pinkish. Very brittle, for this reason they do not like to collect rubella mushrooms.
Pulp: pinkish, with watery milky juice and a specific smell of bugs or burnt rubber. It tastes very bitter.
Doubles: Euphorbia (Lactarius volemus) and Bitter (Lactarius rufus). Euphorbia can be distinguished by the larger size of the cap and very plentiful milky juice, and the bitterness by the color of the secreted juice: it is dark brown or burgundy.
Rubella mushroom grows from mid-July to the end of October in temperate European countries. It can also grow under the first snowfall.
Where can I find: rubella mushroom (see photo) is found in deciduous forests near oaks and beeches.
Eating: the attitude of mushroom pickers to rubella is controversial. They carry her to conditionally edible mushrooms and after thorough soaking and boiling it is recommended to salt or pickle.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.
Other names: sweet lump, fairway, sweet milkman.