Gruzdi - edible mushrooms: photo and description
Below you can find photos and names of varieties of mushrooms and find out which edible mushrooms are best suited for pickling and pickling. You will also get an idea of what a real breast and other types of these edible mushrooms (yellow, bitter and red-brown) look like.
Photo and description of the mushroom
Category: edible.
Other names: yellow load, yellow wave, scratching.
Translated from Latin, the name “yellow” means “rumpled”.
Mushroom yellow breast (Lactarius scrobiculatus) has a hat with a diameter of 6-28 cm. Usually it is yellow, but can be brown or slightly golden, often with small scales. In young mushrooms, it has a slightly convex shape, then gradually straightens or becomes concave. The edges are usually folded. It is smooth to the touch, in wet weather it can be mucous.
Pay attention to the photo of the yellow breast, its leg is 5-12 cm high with characteristic bright yellow pits or notches, sticky and sticky, very strong, hollow.
Records: frequent, in adult fungi, usually with brown spots.
Pulp: white, but turns yellow when cut and when interacting with air, like thick milky juice. It has a weak but very pleasant fruity aroma.
According to the description, the yellow lump is very similar to fringed lump (Lactarius citriolens), purple (Lactarius repraesentaneus) and true (Lactarius resimus). A fringed breast differs from yellow in that it grows exclusively in deciduous forests and, like a real one, does not have dents on its leg. And the inedible violet loaf of milk has lilac-colored milky juice.
When growing: from mid-July to early October in temperate countries of the Eurasian continent.
This variety of mushroom breast can be found on the limestone soils of coniferous forests, less often next to birch trees.
Eating: Russian mushroom pickers consider it a very tasty mushroom, they are consumed after preliminary soaking and boiling.
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and not passed clinical trials!): in the form of a decoction as a means of combating gallstone disease.
What does a mushroom look like a real breast (white): photo and description
Category: edible.
Other names: white breast, raw breast, human breast, wet breast.
Since the beginning of the XIX century. in Russian scientific circles, the pepper breast - Lactarius piperatus was called the real cargo. But in 1942, the mycologist scientist Boris Vasilkov proved that the people consider the species Lactarius resimus to be real.
Above, you can see how the white breast looks in the photo. His hat (diameter 6-25 cm) is white or yellowish. In young mushrooms, it is flat, but eventually acquires the shape of a funnel. On the edges bent to the inside, there is almost always a noticeable fluff. Sticky and very wet to the touch.
If you carefully look at the photo of a real loaf, on his hat you can almost always see vegetable debris that sticks to the loaf more often than other mushrooms.
Leg (height 3-9 cm): white or yellow, cylindrical, hollow.
In the photo of a real loaf, frequent plates of white or yellowish color are clearly visible.
Pulp: white with white milky juice, which, when interacted with air, becomes dirty yellow or grayish. The smell is similar to the aroma of fresh fruit.
Doubles: bootstrap white (Russula delica), the main difference of which is the absence of the last milky juice. Violinist (Lactarius vellereus) also looks like a white breast, only its hat is more “felt” and there is no gun. White whisker (Lactarius pubescens) is much smaller than a breast and with a more pubescent hat. Aspen breast (Lactarius controversus) grows under the aspen, where the true breast is almost never found. And the milk juice of a pile of pepper (Lactarius piperatus) turns green when interacting with air.
White mushroom mushroom grows from the beginning of July to the end of September in the Volga region, Siberia and the Urals.
Where can I find: in deciduous and mixed forests near birch trees.
Eating: salt after long boiling to remove bitterness. Under the action of brine, juicy and fleshy real breasts acquire a bluish tint, and after 40 days you can already enjoy their taste. In Siberia, by tradition, real breasts are salted along with thrush and mushrooms. During the famous meal arranged in 1699 by the Archbishop of Moscow and all Russia Andrian, the guests were served, among other dishes, “three long pies with mushrooms, two small pies with mushrooms, cold mushrooms under horseradish, cold muffins with butter, hot marmalade with juice and yes oil ... ". In Western Europe, a real lump is considered an inedible mushroom, and in Russia it has long been called the king of mushrooms. A true weight in calories exceeds even fatty meat: in dry matter, the protein content reaches 35%.
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and not passed clinical trials!): in the treatment of renal failure and urolithiasis.
What edible types of mushrooms are suitable for salting: bitter lust
Category: edible.
Above is a photo of how it looks bitter breast (Lactarius rufus). Its hat is 3-12 cm in diameter, usually brown or reddish, has the shape of a bell, with time noticeably straightens, a small cone-shaped tubercle appears in the center. In mature mushrooms, a depression. To the touch is smooth, with a little pubescence, after rain or in wet weather it can be sticky and slippery. The edges, as a rule, are strongly bent to the inside and lighter than the center.
Leg (height 3-9 cm): relatively thin, cylindrical in shape, similar in color to a hat. It is covered with light fluff and has a noticeable thickening at the base.
Records: frequent and not wide.
Pulp: very brittle, produces a thick whitish milky juice at the cut. It does not emit practically no smell, and the mushroom got its name for pepper bitter taste.
This type of breast in the photo and description is similar to inedible liver hepatic (Lactarius hepaticus)whose milky juice visibly turns yellow in the air; edible camphor lactifer (Lactarius camphoratus) having a characteristic camphor odor, and lactarius swamp (Lactarius sphagnei)growing only in marshland.
When growing: from mid-July to the end of September in almost all countries of the northern half of Europe and Asia.
Where can I find: on acidic soils of coniferous forests, less often in dense birch forests.
Bitter breasts are suitable only for salting, and only after thorough soaking with a constant change of water (10-12 hours). This is done to remove bitterness. When interacting with brine, this type of edible milk darkens noticeably.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable. However, scientists have learned how to isolate a substance that inhibits the growth of bacteria of Staphylococcus aureus, hay and Escherichia coli from a bitter breast.
Important! A bitter breast can accumulate the radioactive nuclide cesium-137, which settles in the liver and muscles of humans and animals, so you should not collect this mushroom in areas of radioactive contamination.
Other names: bitter, red bitter, bitterness. Mushroom pickers call a bitter breast a traveler, as he is often found during a "silent hunt."
What a red-brown breast looks like (Lactarius volemus)
Category: edible.
Edible mushrooms of red and brown breast have rather large hats - up to 18 cm in diameter (dull, light brown, less often with a red or bright orange hue). In young mushrooms it is round, but with time it becomes prostrate, and then depressed.
As can be seen in the photo of edible mushrooms of mushrooms, the edges of the hats are often bent to the inside. The touch is usually dry and smooth, but can be covered with a network of small cracks, and in wet weather be mucous or sticky.
Leg (height 3-12 cm): velvety, strong and thick, cylindrical in shape. The color usually does not differ from the hat.
Records: narrow and frequent, slightly pinkish or yellow, but more often white. When pressed, brown spots form on the surface.
Pay attention to the photo of this variety of mushrooms: mushroom flesh is very brittle, white or reddish. It tastes sweet. A freshly cut mushroom smells of herring or boiled crabs.
Doubles: the milky milky (Lactarius mitissimus), but the peel on his hat does not crack, and the mushroom itself is much smaller.
When growing: from early August to mid-October in almost all European countries.
The red-brown species of mushroom mushrooms can be found in different forests next to any species of trees. Prefers moist dark places.
Red-brown breasts are found even at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level.
Eating: very tasty in salted and fried form.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.
Other names: duodenum, smooth, undergrowth, spurge, sub-milkman.