Mushroom Encyclopedia
Names of mushrooms in alphabetical order: BUT B AT G D E F 3 AND TO L M N ABOUT P R FROM T X Ts H W


Category: edible.

Hat (diameter 6-28 cm): usually white, with a slight pubescence, fleshy, dense. Over time, it changes from convex to almost flat, and then funnel-shaped. The edges of young mushrooms are bent, and in adults, wavy.

Leg (height 4-10 cm): white, strong and dense.

Records: narrow and rare, do not differ in color from the legs and hats.

Pulp: dense and white, with caustic and whitish milky juice, very fragile. The taste is very spicy due to milky juice, it has a pleasant smell.

Doubles: pepper breast (Lactarius piperatus), however, the violinist has rarer plates.

When growing: from mid-July to the end of September in temperate countries of the Eurasian continent.

Where can I find: the violinist is found in coniferous and deciduous forests, most often on moss litter and in the vicinity of birches.

Eating: excellent and suitable for salting mushroom subject to preliminary soaking for several days and changing the water.

Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.

Other names: felt breast, dried bread, violin, milk scrape, violin, aspen violin.

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Edible mushrooms

