Edible loafs: photo and description
Below you can find a photo and description of black mushrooms and other types of these mushrooms: a load of oak, pepper and blue.
Conditionally edible lump of oak
Category: conditionally edible.
Hat of an oak chestnut (Lactarius quietus) (diameter 3-9 cm): brown or reddish, in a young mushroom it is usually almost flat, with time it becomes convex. The edges of the cap sometimes wrap to the inside. Dry to the touch.
Leg (height 3-7 cm): continuous, in old mushrooms almost always hollow, cylindrical in shape. It doesn’t differ in color from the hat, except that the earth itself is darker.
Pay attention to the photo of the oak loader: his plates are frequent and narrow, very thin.
Pulp: brittle, white, turns pink at the cut site. When cut or broken, it produces a pleasant aroma of fresh hay.
Doubles: Serushka (Lactarius flexuosus) and a milky milky milky lactarius (Lactarius serifluus). But the hat of the serushka is grayish in color, while the milkman has a sharp smell and the hat is much darker.
When growing: from mid-July to the end of September in the northern half of Europe.
Where can I find: in mixed and deciduous forests, most often near oaks, as the name implies.
Eating: suitable for salting only due to low taste.
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and not passed clinical trials!): in the treatment of urolithiasis.
Other names: neutral lactarius, oak lactic, calm lactic.
Black chest: photo and description
Category: conditionally edible.
About how it looks black breast (Lactarius necator), you can make an idea by looking at the photo:
Hat (diameter 6-22 cm): dark brown or dark olive, usually flat, with a slight indentation in the center, but may be funnel-shaped. The edges of the cap are usually bent toward the inside. In dry weather, the touch is dry and smooth, in wet it becomes sticky and sticky.
Leg (height 4-10 cm): usually one color with a hat, less often lighter. Expands from bottom to top, covered with mucus. It is continuous in young mushrooms, in old mushrooms it becomes almost hollow.
Records: frequent and thin, descend to the leg.
Pulp: brittle, white, which turns gray on cut and when interacting with air. It produces a pleasant mushroom aroma.
Doubles: absent, the black lump in the description does not have any similar appearance.
When growing: from early July to mid-October in temperate countries of the Eurasian continent.
Eating: after thorough soaking (at least 40 hours), boiling and peeling, the mushroom is very tasty in salt form. Pickled black mushrooms in jars can maintain high palatability for up to three years. It takes a long time to cook to remove the bitterness.
Black lumps can be found in the bright corners of deciduous and mixed forests, often near birch trees in uneven areas of the soil (potholes, elevations and pits).
Often a black lump hides in moss or grass under fallen leaves
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and have not passed clinical trials!): As an antibacterial agent, in particular with complicated sore throat.
Important! Do not be alarmed if the black muffins after heat treatment turn bright purple, cherry or red. This is a common property of these mushrooms.
Other names: olive-black lump, nigella, black, black hollow, gypsy, black fir lump, olive-brown lump, var.
Camphor lactum - conditionally edible mushroom
Category: conditionally edible.
Camphor hat (Lactarius camphoratus) (diameter 4-8 cm): matte, usually brown or reddish. In young mushrooms, flat, with time it becomes concave. The touch is smooth.
Leg (height 3-7 cm): brittle, has a cylindrical shape and usually the same color with a hat. Expands from bottom to top. The young mushrooms are solid, the old ones are hollow.
Records: frequent, light pink. Old mushrooms can be almost brown.
Pulp: one color with an external surface. It emits a characteristic smell of camphor or crushed bugs, for which the mushroom got its name.
Doubles: absent (due to a characteristic smell).
When growing: from the beginning of August to the end of September in temperate countries of the Eurasian continent.
Where can I find: on the acidic soil of coniferous and deciduous forests.
Eating: subject to a long preliminary soaking, to remove a specific smell, you can eat in a salty form.
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and not passed clinical trials!): it is believed that a camphor decoction can help with fever and severe headaches.
Other names: camphor milky.
Peppermint: photo and description
Category: conditionally edible.
Peppercorn hat (Lactarius piperatus) (diameter 5-20 cm): usually white, very rarely a light cream color, which is more concentrated in the center and much lighter at the edges. In young mushrooms, round, later becomes almost horizontal, and then expressed funnel. The edges are bent to the inside, but then straighten and become wavy. It feels smooth and pleasantly velvety.
Leg (height 3-10 cm): lighter than the hat, dense and solid, expands from bottom to top. It feels smooth and may be slightly wrinkled.
As you can see in the photo, pepper breast has frequent, smoothly descending to the leg plate.
Pulp: white and very brittle, very pungent in taste. Milky juice is thick and caustic, has a white color that does not change with time.
Doubles:parchment mushrooms (Lactarius pergamenus) and bluish (Lactarius glaucescens), violin player (Lactarius vellereus). Parchment breast has a longer leg and characteristic wrinkles on the hat. The milky juice of the bluish becomes greenish when dried. And the violinist has a light fluff on the hat.
When growing: from early July to mid-October in the countries of the northern part of Eurasia.
Where can I find: in humid and clayey places of mixed and deciduous forests.
Eating: can be salted after thorough heat treatment. Thanks to its sharp taste, ground into powder dried mushroom can be a worthy substitute for black pepper.
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and not passed clinical trials!): fried - as a reliable tool in the treatment of kidney stone disease. In addition, scientists were able to isolate a substance from a pepper breast that kills tubercle bacilli.
The blue lump and his photo
Category: conditionally edible.
Hat of a blue lump (Lactarius repraesentaneus) (diameter 5-15 cm): usually yellow in color, which turns lilac or blue at the pressure site, due to which the mushroom got its name. In young mushrooms, it is slightly convex, with time it changes to a more open or slightly depressed one.The pubescent edges are bent to the inside. To the touch in wet weather, the mucous membrane.
As can be seen in the photo of a bluish breast, the mushroom has a yellow leg 5–9 cm high, slightly lighter than a hat, cylindrical in shape, often hollow.
Records: narrow, medium frequency, lemon or yellow color, which darkens when pressed.
Pulp: thick and dense, cream, light brown or yellow. With white milky juice, which, when interacting with air, becomes lilac.
Doubles: are absent.
When growing: from mid-August to early October.
Where can I find: in coniferous and mixed forests, often near firs and birches.
Eating: not pickled, as not only the mushrooms turn blue, but also the liquid. In cooking, it is used boiled or fried.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.
Other names: a lump of yellow is blue, a lump of purple, a lump of golden yellow is lilac, a lap of dogs.
Edible liqueur flavorful
Category: conditionally edible.
Hat of fragrant milk (Lactarius glyciosmus) (diameter 4-8 cm): pale brown or beige, may fade to light yellow. Usually funnel-shaped, in a young fungus it is flat or even convex. It feels dry with a slight pubescence.
Leg (height 2-7 cm): one color with a hat, smooth and loose, has a cylindrical shape. Old mushrooms are hollow.
Records: frequent and subtle, beige or flesh-colored.
Pulp: white, does not change color on a slice or break. Freshly cut mushrooms smell like coconut.
Doubles:the milkman is faded (Lactarius vietus) and nipple (Lactarius mammosus). The faded one has a larger and stickier hat, and the nipple one is darker and has a pointed tubercle in the center.
When growing: from the beginning of August to the end of September in the temperate zone of the Eurasian continent.
Where can I find: most often in deciduous forests, near birches and alders, among fallen and rotting leaves.
Eating: It goes well with other mushrooms during salting, although it is considered a mushroom of poor quality, therefore it belongs to edible.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.
Other names: aromatic lactic, coconut lactic, odorous lactic, solodchak, fragrant lactic.