Is it necessary to boil the oil before frying?
Do I need to cook "adults" and young butter before frying?
It all depends on the type of butterdish, as well as its age. So, large mushrooms must be boiled before frying. There are at least two good arguments in favor of this procedure. Firstly, “adult” mushrooms are a little harsh, and thanks to cooking they will become much more tender, softer and juicier. Secondly, everyone knows that oily oils like sponges absorb radiation and salts of heavy metals. Therefore, cooking "adult" mushrooms will help get rid of all the harmful substances contained in them. It must be said that the grease is absorbed by the grease nipples precisely in its oily hat, which is recommended to be removed without fail. For large oils, 20 minutes of boiling in salted water with the addition of a pinch of citric acid is sufficient.
And what about the little young mushrooms? Do I need to boil such butter before frying? The question is quite natural, because young mushrooms have not yet had time to absorb harmful substances. And in themselves they are very gentle, unlike their "older" brothers. In this situation, they do as they like more. Someone decides to simply clean them from slippery peels, wash and start frying. And someone boils young oily vegetables for several minutes or simply douses them with boiling water.
So, do I need to boil the butter before frying? The answer is simple: for "adult" mushrooms, this procedure is mandatory, for young ones, if desired. Remembering these simple tips, every housewife will be able to prepare a delicious dish for the whole family.