How many minutes do you need to cook fresh butter
To find out how many minutes you cook boiled mushrooms, you first need to determine in which processing process you will use them: pickling, frying, freezing, for soup, etc. But I must say that all these processes have several rules that you need to remember .
How many minutes to cook oil for freezing and before pickling?
First of all, remove the oily film from the caps, add oil, and then put them in a colander and pour over boiling water to remove any remaining dirt. Then cut into small slices or cubes, and if the mushrooms are young, leave them untouched. Pour cold water so that it completely covers the oil. Add table salt (based on: 1 tbsp. L. To 2 l. Of water) and put on fire.
Mushroom freezing is one of the most popular and sought after processing processes. Thanks to this method, fruiting bodies last longer. So, how many minutes do you cook oil for freezing? I must say that you can freeze the oil and raw, but only if in the future you are going to cook the dish from scratch and get a fairly concentrated broth. However, if you want to get an almost ready meal from butter, they must be boiled necessarily.
The time, how many minutes to cook butter mushrooms before freezing, will depend in particular on the size of the fruiting bodies. So, adults should boil in the water for at least 25-30 minutes, and 15-20 minutes will be enough for young mushrooms. In this case, the oil must be cooked with the lid open.
How many minutes to cook the oil before pickling will also depend on the age of the mushrooms. However, it is important that the fruiting bodies are fully prepared. In this case, young individuals must be boiled from the moment of boiling for about half an hour, and adults - 10 minutes longer. To begin with, they are boiled in water with the addition of salt and vinegar, then transferred to the prepared marinade and continue to cook for a few more minutes.
How many minutes to cook butter for soup and before frying?
To prepare the first dishes, mushrooms must also be subjected to preliminary heat treatment. How many minutes to cook butter for soup and how to do it? In this case, you need to remember that the oils are always boiled by the very first of all components. If you want to get saturated mushroom fat, then you need to cook fruit bodies for 30-35 minutes without changing the broth, and then add the remaining ingredients according to the recipe. And if you are preparing a light mushroom soup, then the basis for the broth needs to be changed. After boiling the oil for 25-30 minutes with spices, it is necessary to drain all the liquid and pour new water, and after that add the remaining ingredients.
And how many minutes to cook fresh butter before frying? So that the mushrooms after this processing process are not rigid, they must be boiled in salted water for at least half an hour, for young individuals this time can be reduced to 20 minutes. However, it is better not to overdo it, because the oil will become rubber if cooked longer than the set time.