Mushroom Encyclopedia
Names of mushrooms in alphabetical order: BUT B AT G D E F 3 AND TO L M N ABOUT P R FROM T X Ts H W


Category: edible.

A detailed description of the shiitake mushroom is given below, and it includes the appearance, when and where the mushroom grows, as well as its application.

Hat (diameter 3-10 cm): hemispherical in shape, usually brown, brown or chocolate in color, often with light scales.

Leg (height 2-8 cm): lighter than a hat, solid.

Records: frequent, beige or white.

Shiitake doubles: champignons (Agaricus). The main difference is that shiitake plants grow on trees.

When growing: only in the warm season, but in artificially created conditions can bear fruit year-round.

Where can I find: most often on trunks of castanopsis long-pointed.

What the shiitake mushroom looks like in the photo can be seen below:

Eating: since the legs are very stiff, hats are most often used. They are usually dried, and soaked in water before use.

Other names: black mushroom, shitake, shiitake, shiitake, syanga.

The use of shiitake mushroom

Shiitake mushroom is used in folk medicine (data have not been confirmed and have not passed clinical trials!) As a medicine and prophylactic for a large number of diseases, in particular circulatory disorders, liver damage, general weakening of the body, and advanced prostatitis.

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Edible mushrooms

