Symptoms of row poisoning and first aid
Of course, going to the forest, you must be very attentive to the collection of mushrooms. But what if you did bring a poisonous row home and cook it? What symptoms indicate that poisoning in rows has occurred and how to provide first aid?
Symptoms of poisoning in a row of pointed
Pointed mushroom is included in the category of toxic mushrooms, being one of the sources of severe poisoning. It has a burning-bitter taste of pulp, but it is strictly forbidden to try it, since the fruit body is poisonous. It must be said that the pointed row, causing poisoning, affects not only the digestive system, but also other organs. If you do not provide assistance to the victim in time, you can seriously harm his health, up to the death.
The first symptoms of poisoning in rows appear soon enough. Within 1-7 hours after eating the mushroom, a person begins to experience malaise. If the slightest suspicion arises, you need to act immediately and help the patient. It should be noted that the symptoms of poisoning intensify very quickly, so you must immediately call an ambulance.
Signs of poisoning in a row of pointed:
- nausea;
- incessant vomiting;
- sharp abdominal pains;
- diarrhea;
- difficult orientation in space;
- a sharp decrease in blood pressure;
- violation of the cardiovascular system.
In no case do not expect the manifestation of all the above symptoms! If you know that a person on the eve ate fruiting bodies, then call a doctor immediately. In the meantime, flush the patient’s stomach and give activated charcoal.
Symptoms of white row poisoning
This fruiting body has a sharp unpleasant odor. White row is considered an inedible poisonous mushroom with a local irritant effect. Is it possible to get poisoned in white rows with a fatal outcome? In fact, there is a small amount of toxins in the content of the fungus, therefore, when providing first aid, a full recovery occurs. However, you need to be very careful, and in case of the first signs of poisoning, you must call a doctor. I must say that the white rowan masquerades as edible mushrooms. An inexperienced mushroom picker can confuse her with champignon, talker and even cep.
The first symptoms of poisoning in a row of white are observed after 1-3 hours:
- nausea;
- vomiting
- general weakness;
- dizziness;
- sweating
- stomach pains;
- diarrhea;
- loss of consciousness (in rare cases).
In addition to calling a doctor, the patient should rinse his stomach, give him absorbents and a plentiful drink. With the provision of timely first aid, the symptoms of poisoning pass without a trace and the patient fully recovers.