Mushroom Encyclopedia
Names of mushrooms in alphabetical order: BUT B AT G D E F 3 AND TO L M N ABOUT P R FROM T X Ts H W


There are several types of conditionally edible rows that can be eaten only after prolonged boiling. One of these types is the rowing is different, or as it is also called, the rowing is separate.

Mushroom mushrooms are very similar to each other, so for "amateurs" to distinguish edible from poisonous can be difficult. Mushroom pickers with experience advise beginners to determine the rank by color. For example, see these fruiting bodies on a sunny day. If the hats do not have a shade, but are smooth and white, it is better not to collect such mushrooms - these are poisonous. But all the edible rowing has different colors: pink, gray, brown, violet, purple. In addition, inedible rows have a pronounced unpleasant odor.

The differing order shown in the photo is similar to greenfinch, gray row and spruce row. However, this is a completely different type of conditionally edible rowing, which is quite rare in Russia. Some because of the bitter taste and not too pleasant smell classify it as an inedible species. Others claim that this fruiting body is deliciously salty.

Description of mushroom

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the description of rowing that is different or separate.

Latin name: Tricholoma sejunctum.

Family: Ordinary.

Gender: lamellar ground mushrooms.

Synonyms: separate rowing, separated rowing.

Hat: dense, fleshy, smooth, with a diameter of up to 10 cm. At a young age, domed, in the middle with a tubercle. In adulthood, it becomes open and fully open. Color varies from yellow-green to dark olive or gray-brown with a darker central part.

Leg: up to 2 cm thick, up to 10 cm high, cylindrical, sometimes curved. Dense, slightly thickened at the base, covered with small scales. Young mushrooms have a greenish-white leg with a dirty gray bottom.

Pulp: dense, white, under the skin and in the leg with a yellowish tinge. It smells like fresh flour, it tastes bitter in taste.

Records: broad, rare, sinuous, white or slightly gray.

Edibility: little-known conditionally edible mushroom, has an average taste. Usually consumed in salt form.

Similarities: the mushroom is very similar to greenfinch and gray row.

Spread: grows in deciduous and mixed forests, less common in coniferous forests. Prefers temperate zones of the northern hemisphere, especially North America.

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Edible mushrooms

