Processing oil: how to peel mushrooms
Due to the sticky oily film on the hats, cleaning the oil carries certain difficulties. However, they can be successfully dealt with if you follow very simple rules with which we want to share today.
So, to find out how easy it is to clean the oil, we suggest that you first get acquainted with some useful recommendations:
1. If you have never encountered these fungi before, you need to know that the cleaning process begins with a hat and smoothly moves to the leg. In addition, do not forget to pay attention to the area under the cap of the grease fitting, as dirt and other forest debris also accumulate in this place.
2. Thin peel from young mushrooms can not be removedwhat can not be said about adults. It is important to remember that an oily film gives the dish a bitter taste. Some gourmets this feature does not bother, but rather the opposite. However, there is a situation in which peeling is mandatory. This is the case when you are going to pickle the collected oil. Otherwise, the marinade will acquire the consistency of jelly, and the mushrooms will become extremely unappetizing.
3. To clean the oiler mushroom, oddly enough it sounds, you can only dry. Unlike other types of forest fruiting bodies, these mushrooms should never be soaked in water. Their spongy structure absorbs water perfectly, and then it becomes very slippery, which in turn will prevent you from even just holding them in your hands.
4. They wash the oil only after cleaning, but it is not recommended to tighten it with this process either.
5. Doing mushroom cleaning alone - It’s quite a long and troublesome business. Therefore, if possible, connect your family members, and then this procedure will go unnoticed and quickly.
6. It is recommended to work with oils in rubber gloves in order to protect themselves from dark spots that appear on the skin of the hands during cleaning and remain for a long time.
Before you start processing the oils and clean them from the film, you need to decide which processing process you will use in the future. So, for drying it is not necessary to clean the sticky peel. It will be enough to simply remove sand and adhering debris with an ordinary hard brush. If some areas are very dirty, they can be scraped off with a dry knife or simply cut out.Then it is necessary to remove the remains of dirt from fruit bodies by wiping with a soft cloth. It should also be remembered that after cleaning the oil, do not need to be washed with water.
However, if in the future you are going to cook mushroom dishes with heat treatment, then it is advisable to cleanse the fruiting bodies thoroughly. How to quickly clean the oil from the skin and other impurities? It turns out that here you can apply various methods with which we want to introduce you. You can choose the one that you think is most convenient and simple for yourself.
The easiest way to clean oil
Every experienced mushroom picker knows that the skin from the mushroom cap is easily and quickly removed in two situations: immediately after a cut or as a result of a small drying. How then to properly clean the oil, given this feature? It turns out that the cleaning process is advised to be carried out in the forest, immediately after the cut. To do this, gently grab the edge of the film with a knife and pull it towards you, and cut off the remaining dirt or scrape it off. But this method is beneficial only in sunny weather, as well as with a small crop.
We suggest you watch a visual video showing how to clean the oil in the forest:
However, not all lovers of "silent hunting" can afford to clean the crop immediately after harvest, especially in cloudy and humid weather. After all, then the fruiting bodies also gain moisture. How to clean wet oil in this case? Everything is very simple: when you come home, just lay them on a cloth or newspaper directly on the floor of the room. Wait a couple of hours and you can safely begin to process. And if the weather permits, then you can put the oil in the yard in the sun or in a well-blown shade. After an hour and a half, the dry peel will be removed with a knife without any problems.
Cleaning with vegetable oil
As already mentioned, the main problem during oil cleaning is the film, which constantly adheres to the skin of the hands and knife. Therefore, it turned out that ordinary sunflower oil will help clean the oil. Lubricate the knife and hands well with them, and then proceed with cleaning. Repeat the lubrication of the knife from time to time. I must say that with this option, the skin of the hands will not darken, and the film will easily peel off the fungus and will not stick anywhere. Then remove the dirt in the area of the leg with a knife and cut off its tip.
Dry sponge cleaning
Is it possible to quickly clean the oil without a knife and how to do it? In this case, an ordinary kitchen sponge is used. Just take each mushroom and gently wipe. This method is also valid for young specimens. In principle, small oil can be cleaned, as is the case with their more mature representatives, by all the methods mentioned above. But as already mentioned, it is not necessary to peel off the caps of young fungi.
Cleaning with boiling water
The following method is also considered popular and in demand. How to quickly clean the oil with boiling water? To do this, put a portion of the fruiting bodies in a colander and keep over a pot of boiling water for about 30 seconds. You can directly in the colander to lower the oil in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, and then dip it several times in cold water. Thanks to this method, the mushroom cap can easily part with a sticky film.
You can also watch a video of recommendations on how to quickly clean the oil using boiling water:
Salt cleaning
This method extends to removing remaining dirt after basic cleaning. The fact is that salt perfectly opens the pores of the fungus, as a result of which even the smallest impurities are removed. So, how to clean the oil with salt and prepare the product for further processing? Just put the peeled mushrooms in a bowl of salt water (based on 150 g of salt per 1 liter of water) for 15-20 minutes, then rinse thoroughly under running water. I must say that this method is also effective for wormy fruiting bodies. In saline, worms float to the surface, and insect eggs settle to the bottom.
Cleaning with gauze
We also want to share with you a very original way to clean oil.Some housewives successfully use ordinary gauze moistened with vinegar or sunflower oil in their kitchen "arsenal". Take a piece of gauze, put it in several layers, firmly press the nipple to the hat and pull - the film will be removed without any effort.
Hand cleaning after oiling
If you still got your hands dirty with mushroom juice, don't be discouraged. There is a reliable way to get rid of unpleasant dark spots. Use oiled citric acid after cleaning as the most effective product. Pour 0.5 l of warm water into a deep container and dissolve 25 g of citric acid in it. Hold your hands in this solution for no more than 5 minutes, and then wash them with soap. These two components (soap and citric acid), reacting with each other, perfectly cleanse and brighten the skin. Penetrating deep under the skin, the dirt on your hands will easily disappear. However, do not forget to grease your hands with a rich nourishing cream after this procedure in order to avoid dehydration in the cleaned area.
All of the above methods for cleaning fruiting bodies are effective and time-tested. Therefore, how best to clean the oil, each housewife chooses for herself.