Salted mushrooms: how to fix the situation
It is worth saying that there is no need to despair about this. If after 30-40 days of preservation you opened a jar with fruit bodies, and they are not suitable for serving, what should I do if the mushrooms are very salted? How to fix the situation and not be disgraced in front of invited guests such a snack?
- What to do if the pickled mushrooms are over-salted?
- How to remove excess salt from salted fried breasts?
- Is it possible to salt black mushrooms with coarse salt and how to soak them?
- What can be done if salted porcini mushrooms?
- How to make mushroom sauce if overcooked cold-cooked breasts
- How to save salted mushroom soup?
- What to do if the mushrooms are salted while cooking?
What to do if the pickled mushrooms are over-salted?
Pickled or salted mushrooms, which turned out to be too salty, can be soaked for 2-3 hours before use in cold water. At the same time, water should be changed every 30 minutes. Then put the mushrooms on a wire rack or sieve, leave to drain properly.
Further, you can make a cold snack from soaked mushrooms by cutting them into pieces and seasoning with vegetable oil, onions or green onions. You can add chopped greens of dill and parsley, mix and boldly serve. You can be sure that guests will not notice anything.
Sometimes it seems to some housewives that they have salted marinade in mushrooms. What to do if salted mushrooms in a marinade?
- You need to take a small piece of cloth, pour 1 tbsp. flour and tie tightly with a strong thread.
- Dip in boiling marinade and leave for 10 minutes. Flour can absorb an excessive amount of salt, then the marinade will get a great taste, and your mushrooms will be saved!
Some housewives make salted mushrooms from salted mushrooms, adding boiled and chopped vegetables. It turns out quite a tasty and spicy dish with salted mushrooms.
How to remove excess salt from salted fried breasts?
But what should be done if the mushrooms are over-salted during other processes, for example, when frying? In this option, correct the situation is not difficult.
- Mushrooms need to be soaked a little (1-1.5 hours) and put in a pan.
- Fry in a dry pan until the liquid evaporates, add vegetable or olive oil and continue to fry.
- In another pan, fry the potatoes and combine with the mushrooms, in no case adding to the salt. Combining the breasts with potatoes, no one will feel the salinity.
There is another way how to remove excess salt from salted breasts.
- Mushrooms spread in a hot pan with warmed vegetable oil.
- Fry for 15 minutes over low heat and add finely chopped onions.
- Boiled potatoes, diced, are introduced and continue to fry for 10 minutes.
- Pour low-fat sour cream, mix and simmer for 10 minutes.If the mushrooms still remain slightly salted, add 2 tbsp to the mushrooms. l premium wheat flour and mix.
- They simmer over low heat for 5-7 minutes and remove from the stove. Try the end result, and your efforts will be justified - the dish will not be salty.
Is it possible to salt black mushrooms with coarse salt and how to soak them?
Is it possible to salt the buns with salt if you prepared the preservation according to the recipe? This is quite possible if the salt is coarse. When salting or pickling, if you have not tried mushrooms before rolling, then they can turn out to be slightly salted. Take action as soon as you open the jar with the workpiece. Although when soaked, the taste of mushrooms does not improve, but salinity almost completely goes away.
Some novice housewives admit that when salting, the black mushrooms were salted, what should I do in this case?
- First of all, the mushrooms are washed, poured with cold water and boiled.
- If the fruiting bodies are very salted, they are boiled 2 times for 10 minutes (each time in new water), as a result, the taste of salt weakens.
However, before washing and boiling mushrooms, every cook must know how to soak the salted black mushrooms. The final result of the dish that you want to cook will depend on this.
- Mushrooms are well washed in plenty of water.
- Pour cold water, add citric acid and chopped potatoes into several halves. These ingredients are able to draw excess salt from the mushrooms.
What can be done if salted porcini mushrooms?
If white mushrooms were salted during salting, then what should I do? The first thing that comes to mind is steeping mushrooms. White breasts are steeped on the same principle as black ones. You can apply another way:
- After washing, the breasts are poured with hot brine, which is made from boiling water, black pepper (peas), chopped garlic, vinegar, or lemon juice. Mushrooms are poured with this brine, sugar is added (1 tbsp. To 2 liters of water) and left for 2 hours. Then the breasts are washed again, and then any dish is prepared from them.
- If the mushrooms are too salted, they are poured with low-fat kefir and left for 1.5-2 hours.
How to make mushroom sauce if overcooked cold-cooked breasts
If the salted mushrooms are salted in the cold way, then pasta sauce can be made from them. For this option, to correct the situation, you need to carry out several processes.
- Soak the mushrooms for 2 hours, changing the water several times.
- Fry a large amount of onion until golden brown, mix with mushrooms.
- Introduce boiled pasta and mix - mushrooms with pasta will not seem salty to you at all.
- You can give salted breasts another excellent taste.
- Salted mushrooms are laid in a colander and put in a sink.
- Turn on cold water and wash the breasts, constantly mixing them with your hands. This will help the liquid wash out excess salt from the mushrooms.
How to save salted mushroom soup?
If you made soup from salted mushrooms without tasting the mushrooms in advance, then there is also a solution. How to save salted mushrooms in the first dish?
- Add carrots grated on a coarse grater into the soup and boil.
- Halved, folded in half, pour fresh, well-washed rice or pearl barley.
- Tie a bag and dip in soup, boil for 20 minutes and take out.
- 150-200 ml of low-fat sour cream are added to the finished soup and boiled again over low heat for 10 minutes.
- If, however, the soup remains slightly salty, 4 tbsp. Are diluted in a small bowl. l hot soup with 2 tbsp. l flour.
- Beat with a whisk from the resulting lumps and pour in a thin stream into the soup, mixing thoroughly.
You can make several dishes of salted mushrooms: prepare portioned julienne, stew with potatoes and cream, and also make a filling for pies. In this case, for pies and pies you need to cook the dough without adding salt.
What to do if the mushrooms are salted while cooking?
If your hand trembled during cooking, you can also salt fruit bodies and pour a lot of salt. How to fix salted mushrooms of mushrooms, so that in the end you get a tasty and mouth-watering dish?
- Boil the mushrooms in several waters for 5 minutes without adding salt.
- After each boil, rinse the breasts in cold water. This procedure will help remove excess salt from the mushrooms.
- After cooking, you can start cooking any dish of mushrooms, salt will not even be felt.
- If the mushrooms are very salted, then at each boil in water, add 2 sliced potatoes. This old grandfather method is able to remove excess salt from mushrooms.