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How to clean mushrooms before cooking

It is unlikely that anyone will deny that champignons among other representatives of the mushroom "kingdom" are the most frequent "guests" on the tables of many families. The availability of these fruiting bodies is obvious, because if they are not collected in the forest, then they simply buy in a store for a low fee. From champignons you can always cook a lot of delicious dishes, both for the holiday and for every day. And besides, beautiful and neat mushrooms can be eaten raw.

However, despite such popularity, to this day there are disputes about how to clean mushrooms and whether to do it at all. As you know, cultivated mushrooms grown in greenhouses, greenhouses or on farms collect very little dirt on themselves. The remains of the earth, sand or moss can be found only on the leg, when the hat itself looks perfectly clean. Therefore, some housewives may decide not to waste time and effort on cleaning and, simply rinsing with water, send to the stove. And yet, before cooking, it is necessary to clean the mushrooms, how to do it?

First of all, it is important to understand that no matter how clean the fruit body seems, it is still grown under non-sterile conditions.

The land in which champignons grow is well fertilized with substrates, in which there are a lot of nitrates. This means that you should not immediately throw fresh mushrooms into a pan or pan. But to overdo it with pre-cleaning is also not recommended. For example, even short soaking in water is contraindicated in champignons. As a result, such a procedure will negatively affect the taste of mushrooms and ready meals with their participation. How to clean fresh champignons in order to subsequently prepare delicious and fragrant goodies?

How to clean mushrooms for frying and other purposes (with step by step photos)

If you are interested in how to clean mushrooms for frying, then inspect the fruit body before cooking. Fresh mushroom produces an elastic flesh of a white matte color, without damage and rot. If the mushrooms are stale, then this also immediately becomes noticeable: a darkened and “wrinkled” hat, sometimes broken and rotted edges are found. The latter can also be "dealt with", however, cleaning them takes time and effort, which means it is more tiring.

How to clean mushrooms for frying, if for some reason their appearance can hardly be called perfectly fresh? It should be noted immediately that noticeably spoiled mushrooms should be thrown away without sparing. If 1/6 of the champignon is spoiled by rot, this is an occasion to dispose of it. The use of fruiting bodies is allowed if they lie in proper conditions (in the refrigerator or any other cool place) for no more than 2 days. If they just started to get dark and somewhere broke, then in the future there is nothing to worry about using them.

Gently pry off the mushroom film with a knife, moving from the edge of the cap to the center.

Trim any broken or damaged areas, if any. When removing such places, be sure to capture a significant part of the healthy pulp, as rot has probably already begun to form in the damaged areas.

Go to the leg and cut off its lower part, since it is here that the greatest amount of dirt is collected.

Dilute in 1 liter of water 4 tbsp. l 9% table vinegar. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in the resulting solution so that the remaining dirt is gone.

Then dry the mushrooms on a kitchen towel, and boldly proceed to frying.

It is much easier if you need to process mushrooms just bought in a supermarket or in the market. To do this, “arm” with a clean kitchen sponge and a sharp knife, which is convenient to hold in your hands. So, how to clean fresh mushrooms for frying?

  • Take a kitchen sponge and gently wipe each cap of the mushroom with the hard side, while small specimens can not be cleaned.
  • Look under the hat, as there may also be small grains of sand. It’s more convenient to remove them with a regular toothbrush.
  • Using a knife, remove the area of ​​the foot where dirt has collected. This must be done, as usual washing can not rid the fetal body of impurities. It is unlikely that anyone will like the crunch of grains of sand on their teeth when eating mushroom dishes.
  • Rinse the mushrooms in warm water and pat dry with a kitchen towel.

Look at the step-by-step photos that show how to clean mushrooms for frying and other purposes.

How to easily clean mushrooms (with video)

Everyone loves pickled and salty snacks, especially if they are made from champignon mushrooms. In addition, no one will remain indifferent from the first and second courses with the participation of these fruiting bodies. But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to peel mushrooms before cooking.

  • After removing the lower part of the legs, as described in the previous version, you can boil the mushrooms for 3-5 minutes by adding a pinch of citric acid to the water to maintain color.
  • Drain the dirty water and dry the fruit bodies on a paper towel.

You can carry out dry cleaning, using only a knife and a dry kitchen sponge or a toothbrush. This option is good for salting mushrooms in a dry way.

  • In addition, having cut off all the dirt from the leg, you can place the mushrooms, having previously laid them on a colander, over a pot of boiling water.
  • After holding the steam for 30-50 seconds, rinse the fruiting bodies in cool water, dry them slightly and proceed to cooking.

Some housewives, seeing that the mushrooms are perfectly clean and fresh, still cut off the hardened part of the leg, but do without a kitchen sponge. They simply wash the fruit bodies in a large amount of water, but do it quickly so that the product does not have time to be saturated with moisture.

We also suggest watching a video demonstrating how to clean mushrooms easily and effortlessly.

Adhering to useful recommendations on the initial processing of your favorite fruiting bodies, each housewife will be able to please herself and loved ones with delicious mushroom dishes all year round.

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