How to cook oyster mushrooms
- How can I cook oyster mushrooms?
- How to Cook Pickled Oyster Mushrooms at Home
- How to make Korean oyster mushrooms deliciously
- How to cook oyster mushrooms from the forest?
- Oyster mushroom soup recipe
- Oyster mushroom soup puree
- How to quickly make mushroom oyster mushroom hodgepodge
- How to cook fresh oyster mushrooms in a pan
- How to cook oyster mushrooms in a slow cooker
- How to cook oyster mushrooms in the oven
- How to cook oyster mushrooms with pork at home
- Oyster mushrooms cutlets
- The recipe for cooking pickled oyster mushrooms
How can I cook oyster mushrooms?
What can I cook from oyster mushrooms and how to do it? I must say that these interesting mushrooms are absolutely not picky, so there will be no fuss with them. In this article, we will discuss various recipes for dishes that show how to properly prepare forest oyster mushrooms and oyster mushrooms grown under artificial conditions.
Before you go to the store or to the forest for oyster mushrooms, you need to remember a few simple recommendations. The freshness of mushrooms is the main thing that you should definitely pay attention to. Smell and color can tell a lot about the freshness of oyster mushrooms. You should carefully inspect the bunch and smell: a sharp unpleasant odor indicates stale, like yellow spots on the caps of fruit bodies.
It is worth choosing young mushrooms with a small size. Also pay attention to the edges of the hats - they should be even. With a break, the fresh fruit body has a white flesh that does not crumble and crumble.
Fried, stewed, pickled, salted, baked, dried, frozen - in any of the listed species, these fruiting bodies will look great! And the recipes below with a photo will help you figure out how to cook oyster mushrooms.
How to Cook Pickled Oyster Mushrooms at Home
These pickled fruit bodies perfectly complement festive events or sincere gatherings. In addition, delicious salads can be made from pickled oyster mushrooms. Therefore, all lovers of mushroom dishes on the table must have this simple, but at the same time delicious snack.
- Fresh oyster mushrooms - 1 kg;
- Table vinegar - 6 tbsp. l .;
- Sunflower oil - 10 tbsp. l .;
- Clove - 3 pcs.;
- Garlic - 3-4 cloves;
- Salt - 2 tsp. (without slide);
- Sugar - 4 tsp. (without slide);
- Grains of black pepper - 15 pcs.;
- Lavrushka - 5 pcs.
How to cook pickled oyster mushrooms using products from the list above?
Everything is very easy and simple here: we divide fruit bodies by the piece, large ones - cut into several parts, and leave the small specimens as they are. Do not forget to trim the bottom of the leg, otherwise it will be too hard in the dish.
We spread the mushrooms in a pan, in which we will pre-boil them, fill them with water and bring to a boil. After 10 minutes, turn off the heat and set the container aside. Meanwhile, take a clean and dry saucepan, and then mix in it all the ingredients on the list, except oyster mushrooms and garlic.Stir the resulting liquid until the crystals of salt and sugar are completely dissolved.
Bring to a boil, and then take a slotted spoon and transfer the boiled oyster mushrooms from the pan to a container with marinade. In this case, the marinade should remain simmering over medium heat.
Spread crushed garlic cloves on top of the mushrooms, mix well and continue cooking for 10 minutes.
We turn off the stove and wait until the pickled oyster mushrooms have cooled slightly so that they can be transferred to jars.
Having distributed the fruit bodies in the jars, fill them with the remaining marinade, cover with lids and leave to cool completely in room conditions. Then we transfer the containers with the snack to the refrigerator, wait 2-3 hours and begin to taste.
As a result, cooking pickled oyster mushrooms at home is not difficult. However, the simplicity of the dish does not mean a lack of taste, on the contrary, everyone will like a delicious appetizer on your table: both guests and home.
How to make Korean oyster mushrooms deliciously
We suggest you familiarize yourself with another recipe showing how to cook oyster mushrooms deliciously. I must say that this snack can be prepared for the winter. Oyster mushrooms, pickled according to the Korean recipe, are very convenient to prepare. From the goodies you get a wonderful side dish to the main dishes.
- Fresh oyster mushrooms - 700 g;
- Ready carrots in Korean - 300 g;
- Onion - 100 g;
- Garlic - 3 cloves;
- Table vinegar (9%) - 50 ml;
- Vegetable oil - 60 ml;
- Sugar - 1.5 tsp;
- Salt - 0.5 tsp;
- Ground black pepper - 1 tsp. (without slide);
- Sweet ground paprika - 1 tsp;
- Ground red pepper - optional.
The following steps will help you see how to cook pickled oyster mushrooms in Korean.
Take the mushrooms and remove from each copy most of the legs, rinse under the tap and put on the bottom of the enameled pan.
Fill with water and put on fire, bring to a boil and boil for 5 minutes, remembering to periodically remove the foam.
Fold the fruit bodies in a colander, and then spread one continuous layer on a paper towel to get rid of excess fluid.
If large specimens are present among oyster mushrooms, then cut them into large pieces, while small mushrooms do not need to be sliced.
Peel the onion, rinse and cut into small cubes. Do the same with garlic cloves.
Combine boiled oyster mushrooms, Korean carrots, garlic, onions, sugar, salt, and acetic acid in a common deep dish.
Heat vegetable oil in a pan, put the remaining spices - paprika, black pepper and ground red. Mix everything together and when you notice that the oil has heated up to the limit, and the paprika has begun to change its color, then turn off the heat and immediately pour the mass on top of the mushrooms.
Stir everything well, cover or tighten with cling film. Put in the refrigerator to marinate for several hours.
If you plan to store the workpiece all winter, then distribute the mass from a common plate on sterilized jars, cover and place on re-sterilization. The time of the procedure will depend on the volume of cans: for 0.5 l - 30 minutes, and 1 l - 60 minutes.
How to cook oyster mushrooms from the forest?
A very original treat, which during a snack will perfectly satisfy your hunger. Caviar from oyster mushrooms can be spread on bread, which will be effective during breakfast, and can be used as fillings for tartlets, pies and pizzas.
- Fresh oyster mushrooms - 1 kg;
- Large carrot - 2 pcs.;
- Onion - 1 large head;
- Mayonnaise - 5-7 tbsp. l .;
- Tomato paste - 3-4 tbsp. l .;
- Vegetable oil;
- Garlic - 3 cloves;
- Apple cider vinegar - 2 tsp;
- Salt, sugar and ground black pepper to taste.
Forest oyster mushrooms give a special flavor to the dish, which we will use in this recipe. However, caviar will turn out no worse from purchased fruiting bodies, so you can safely take them.
So, how to cook oyster mushrooms for caviar?
To begin with, peel onions, carrots and garlic. As for oyster mushrooms, it is enough to separate them individually and rinse under water.
Tip: do not completely cut off the leg from each fungus. It is crushed and well put out, so you will not notice any rigidity in the dish.
Then pass the onions with carrots through a meat grinder and fry in vegetable oil until soft.
Twist the mushrooms through a meat grinder and fry them separately.
If you have a blender, you can use it and grind the fried onions and carrots. Then the caviar will turn out to be even more tender, and a pleasant graininess will be felt from the fruit bodies.
Combine the fried mushrooms with onion and carrot mass, add water and simmer for about 20 minutes.
Transfer eggs to the pan, add mayonnaise, tomato paste, crushed garlic and spices to taste - salt, sugar and black pepper.
Simmer on low heat for 35-40 minutes, stirring constantly, so as not to burn.
Pour vinegar and stir 10 minutes before cooking. Distribute in jars, cool the dates, cover with lids and refrigerate.
As you can see, cooking oyster mushrooms from the forest is quite possible. There is nothing complicated in this even for beginner housewives.
Oyster mushroom soup recipe
If we talk about the first dishes of oyster mushrooms, then we can confidently say that they are also very tasty and nutritious. Tasty cooked oyster mushrooms, as already mentioned, will help step by step recipes.
- Fresh oyster mushrooms - 300 g;
- Purified water - 3 l;
- Potato - 5 pcs.;
- Millet - 2 tbsp. l .;
- Carrots and onions - 1 small piece each .;
- Garlic - 1 clove;
- Salt and mushroom seasoning to taste;
- Ground black pepper - 8 pcs.;
- Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
- Fresh herbs - parsley and dill.
We clean the mushrooms, cut into pieces and boil for about 7 minutes in salted water.
We clean the onions and carrots, and then cut everything into small cubes.
We also peel the potatoes and chop into small cubes 1 cm thick.
We put a pot of water on the stove, bring to a boil and lay the potatoes with carrots.
While vegetables are boiled, oyster mushrooms are slightly fried in a pan and seasoned with mushroom seasoning.
We wash the millet and send it to the pan with half-finished potatoes.
After 5 minutes, put onion in our soup, and after 5 minutes - we throw oyster mushrooms and finely chopped garlic clove.
When the dish boils for 5-7 minutes, add the grains of black pepper and chopped greens, after which we add.
Turn off the fire, throw a leaf of laurel and wait for it to infuse.
We also suggest watching a video on how to cook oyster mushrooms in the form of a first dish - soup:
Oyster mushroom soup puree
How else to cook oyster mushrooms, because there are dozens of first dishes from these fruit bodies alone. Take, for example, mashed oyster soup, which turns out to be very tender and tasty. For 2 liters of water, it is necessary to prepare such products:
- Oyster mushrooms - 700 g;
- Potato - 4 tubers;
- Onion - 1 head;
- Butter (warm) - 2 tbsp. l .;
- Cream - 500 ml;
- Flour - 3 tsp;
- Salt, ground pepper mixture.
Boil 2/3 of all peeled mushrooms with diced potatoes.
Heat the butter in a pan, put finely chopped onions and the remaining fruit bodies, which must first be cut into small cubes.
Boiled oyster mushrooms with potatoes need to be filtered from the broth, beat in a blender and returned to the broth.
Next lay out the fried mass and continue cooking.
In the meantime, take a little broth and dilute flour in it, add cream, stir and pour in portions into the soup.
Add salt, pepper to taste and after 10 minutes turn off the stove. Let it brew and serve, garnishing with finely chopped greens and cubes of dry rye bread.
How to quickly make mushroom oyster mushroom hodgepodge
We offer another recipe showing how to quickly cook oyster mushrooms. Mushroom hodgepodge is a great option to pamper your family and guests with a delicious dish. In addition, observers of the post will also be interested to get acquainted with the preparation of this dish.
- Fresh oyster mushrooms - 500 g;
- Water - 2 L;
- Onions and carrots - 1 pc.;
- Potato - 4 pcs.;
- Lean oil;
- Salty cucumber - 2-3 pcs.;
- Salt, pepper - to taste;
- Bay leaf - 1 pc.;
- Lemon;
- Olives;
- Fresh greens.
We put a pot of water on the fire and wait for it to boil.
In the meantime, quickly peel potatoes, onions and carrots. Then cut everything into cubes (we cut larger potatoes).
Heat the oil in a pan and spread the onion for frying, and then the carrots.
Cubes of potatoes are sent to boiling water and cook until half ready.
Cut the cucumber into thin strips or cubes, and then spread in the pan to the vegetables.
Then we send separately the fried mushrooms, mix and fry for a few more minutes.
After the potatoes are cooked in half, lay out the frying. Salt, pepper and leave to boil for another 10-15 minutes.
At the end we throw a lavrushka and finely chopped greens. Let’s infuse, and during serving, put a small slice of lemon or a couple of olives in each plate.
How to cook fresh oyster mushrooms in a pan
Oyster mushroom main dishes are no less tasty and nutritious than soups and hodgepodge. Therefore, if you still do not know what and how to cook from fresh oyster mushrooms, then we suggest you familiarize yourself with the following recipe.
- Oyster mushrooms (fresh) - 700 g;
- Onion - 2 heads;
- Sunflower oil;
- Garlic - 2 cloves;
- Sour cream - 100 ml;
- Salt, favorite spices;
- Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
- Black pepper grains - 5 pcs.
A step-by-step recipe will show how to cook oyster mushrooms in a pan.
First you need to clean the fruiting bodies of dirt and remove the lower part of the legs. Large individuals should be cut into pieces, and small ones should be left untouched.
Heat the oil in a pan and put the mushrooms, fry a little. During the process, liquid will be released from the oyster mushrooms, therefore, it is not necessary to cover the container. Our task is to evaporate all the moisture from the mushrooms.
Meanwhile, while the mushrooms are fried, peel and chop the onions in half rings. Add to oyster mushrooms, mix and fry for a few more minutes.
Then put sour cream, salt, pepper, favorite spices and crushed garlic, mix well again, cover and simmer for 20 minutes.
At the end, add the lavrushka, turn off the stove and can be served with rice or potatoes.
How to cook oyster mushrooms in a slow cooker
A very simple and convenient way to cook a second dish of oyster mushrooms. Simple, because it implies the use of a minimum set of ingredients, and convenient, because it will be prepared using a kitchen appliance - a multicooker.
- Oyster mushrooms - 800 g;
- Onion - 1 large head;
- Vegetable oil - 50 ml;
- Mayonnaise or sour cream - 50 g;
- Spices - salt, pepper.
How to cook oyster mushrooms using the recipe with a step-by-step description?
Pour the oil into the bowl of the multicooker, spread the onion half rings and put in the "Frying" mode for 10 minutes.
After we switch to the “Stewing” function, put the prepared mushrooms, mayonnaise, salt, pepper, mix and set the time - 45 minutes.
We wait for the corresponding signal about the end of the process, give a little insist and serve.
How to cook oyster mushrooms in the oven
Among the various recipes for mushroom dishes, I would also like to note how to cook oyster mushrooms in the oven. These mushrooms, baked with cheese, are an analogue of meat in French.
- Oyster mushrooms - 400 g;
- Cheese (hard) - 200 g;
- Onion - 2 pcs.;
- Sunflower oil - 1.5 tbsp. l .;
- Mayonnaise - 40 g;
- Salt, ground black pepper.
We clean the oyster mushrooms from dirt, remove the legs from each instance and rinse thoroughly.
We smear fruit bodies on all sides with mayonnaise and put them in a flat bowl. Sprinkle the onion on top, which was previously sliced in half rings, and leave to marinate for a couple of hours.
When the time of pickling has passed, you should take the baking dish and grease with oil.
Spread a layer of onions at the bottom, and lay the oyster mushrooms in mayonnaise on top.
Sprinkle grated cheese over the dish, season with salt, pepper and put in the oven. Bake the mushroom version of “French meat” for 35 minutes at 160 ° C.
How to cook oyster mushrooms with pork at home
A hearty, nutritious and aromatic dish that can even be served on the festive table. And the representatives of the male half will be delighted with this dish, because it combines 3 of their favorite ingredients - meat, mushrooms and potatoes.
- Oyster mushrooms - 400 g;
- Pork pulp - 600 g;
- Potato - 7 pcs.;
- Pickles - 2 pcs.;
- Garlic - 2 cloves;
- Mayonnaise;
- Salt, pepper, favorite seasonings.
How to cook oyster mushrooms at home, combining them with the above products?
Peel oyster mushrooms and cut into pieces, put in a separate container and set aside.
Dice the meat, and pickles - julienne. Combine these two ingredients together, salt, pepper, add crushed garlic, sprinkle with your favorite seasonings and leave to marinate.
In the meantime, peel and rinse the potatoes well. Cut it into thin slices, put in a deep bowl and cover with water for 15 minutes.
Prepare the pots and grease the bottom of each with mayonnaise.
Next lay the ingredients in layers: meat, mushrooms and potatoes. The potato layer should be slightly larger than the rest of the layers.
Pour potatoes with mayonnaise on top, cover and place in the oven at 190 ° C. Track 50 minutes and wait for the dish to be served. As noted, it is correct to cook oyster mushrooms in pots even by a novice cook. In this case, it is important to comply with the prescriptions indicated in the recipe.
Oyster mushrooms cutlets
It turns out that cutlets can be made not only from meat. The main ingredient in this dish can be the most ordinary oyster mushrooms. At the same time, the taste of the dish, although it will be different from the usual meat, nevertheless you will definitely like it. The recipe below will show how to cook oyster mushrooms.
- Oyster mushrooms - 500 g;
- Jacket potatoes - 4 pcs.;
- Bread - 2 slices;
- Garlic - 2 cloves;
- Milk;
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- Salt, pepper - to taste.
Fry the prepared oyster mushrooms over low heat until the liquid evaporates - about 20 minutes.
Meanwhile, fill the bread with milk and let it brew, after which we knead it by hand.
Jacketed potatoes, along with fried oyster mushrooms, are passed through a meat grinder.
We mix the resulting mass to a homogeneous consistency, hammer in the eggs, add the bread pulp squeezed from milk, salt, pepper and mix again.
We wet our hands in water, form patties and fry in vegetable oil on both sides. Serve to the table with cereals and a salad of fresh vegetables.
The recipe for cooking pickled oyster mushrooms
Another recipe showing how to cook oyster mushrooms is also very original and, of course, delicious. However, to prepare the dish, the mushrooms must first be marinated.
- Oyster mushrooms - 400 g;
- Onion - 1 pc.;
- Chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
- Sour cream - 60 g;
- Flour - 3 tbsp. l .;
- Garlic - 1 clove;
- Salt pepper;
- Lean oil.
How to cook oyster mushrooms, the following steps will show:
Grate the peeled onions, combine with sour cream, add salt and pepper.
Separate oyster mushrooms by the piece, peel off the legs and "dip" each mushroom in the marinade and leave for several hours.
Pour the flour into a plate, and beat eggs with crushed garlic in a separate bowl.
Each pickled mushroom dunk first in flour, and then in eggs, put in a preheated pan with vegetable oil and fry on both sides.
Remove excess fat with paper towels, and then serve it with your favorite sauces or fresh vegetables.