Ryadovka pigeon (bluish): photo and description of the mushroom
Below is a detailed description and photo of the pigeon dressing, helping novice mushroom pickers to get acquainted with its appearance and other characteristic features.
Description of pigeon row and differences from the white variety
Latin name: Tricholoma columbetta.
Family: Ordinary.
Synonyms: bluish rowing.
Hat: hemispherical or bell-shaped, fleshy, in diameter can reach up to 12 cm. As you grow older, the cap opens and becomes flat, and its edges are bent down. In the center, you can often see a small tubercle. The surface is sticky, in young specimens - radially fibrous with the presence of light scales. The color of the hat is white, sometimes with pinkish or bluish spots.
Leg: height up to 10 cm, thickness up to 3 cm, round, even or tapering down. The surface is silky, smooth, fibrous, dense inside. The color of the legs at the row is bluish white, and at the base a light bluish-green hue is noticeable.
Pulp: elastic, dense, fleshy, white color. The smell and taste are pleasant, but hardly perceptible. Upon contact with air, the flesh of the mushroom acquires a pink hue, and when exposed to high temperature it turns red.
Records: free, wide, frequent, white at a young age, and eventually acquire a reddish-brown color.
Edibility: edible mushroom.
Application: Suitable for preparing various dishes and preparations for the winter. Pigeon rowing is good in soups and sauces. It perfectly decorates the festive table in the form of a pickled or salty snack. The fruit body is also dried for long-term storage. Many mushroom pickers with experience say that this mushroom gives a unique flavor to meat dishes. However, before cooking it must be soaked in cold water, and then boiled for at least 15 minutes. Both young and adult specimens are used in food. In addition, even fruiting bodies that survived the first frosts are suitable for processing. Such tastes prompt novice fans of the “silent hunt” to certainly study the description and photo of the pigeon row mushroom, so as not to lose sight of it in the forest.
Similarities and differences: this species is similar to a row of white (Tricholoma album) - a dangerous poisonous mushroom. However, the differences between the pigeon row and the white variety are quite simple to notice. From the last comes a sharp disgusting smell, which helps determine the edibility of the fungus.
Spread: the bluish rowing is a rather rare species in its family. The mushroom grows mainly in mixed and deciduous forests. Most often it can be seen near birches and oaks. Sometimes it can settle on pastures and meadows. It grows singly or in small groups from August to September.
We suggest you look at a few more photos of the pigeon row, allowing you to more closely consider its appearance:
Remember that for any mushroom picker, the “not sure - don't take it!” Rule applies. Otherwise, you can endanger your health and even life.For those who are just starting the path of the mushroom picker, we advise you to bring experienced colleagues to the forest or limit yourself to more familiar and recognizable types of fruiting bodies.