Pine row mushroom (matsutake)
In Japanese, Korean, Chinese, and North American cuisines, pine rowing is especially valued. Beautiful appearance, specific pine aroma and amazing taste make this mushroom very expensive. We offer for clarity to see the photo and description of pine rowing.
Pine row mushroom: photo, description and application
Latin name: Tricholoma matsutake.
Family: Ordinary.
Synonyms: Matsutake, shod rowan, spotted rowan, pine mushroom. Latin synonyms: Armillaria matsutake, Armillaria nauseosa, Tricholoma nauseosum.
Hat: fleshy, large, up to 20 cm in diameter, bell-shaped, the surface is smooth and dry. In adulthood, the cap of the fruiting body cracks around the edges, due to which you can notice the lumen of the white pulp. Also on the surface of the hat you can see large dark brown scales. Color varies from dark to light brown. Sometimes the cap of the mushroom may be resinous. Another interesting feature can be added to the description of pine rowing: rusty spots appear on the surface of the fungus as they grow older.
Leg: in height up to 20 cm, but due to the fact that most of it is hidden deep in the soil (up to 10-13 cm), it seems short. Wide, up to 3 cm in thickness, slightly widened at the base.
In the photo of the pine row, it can be seen that the leg is often tilted to the ground, but at the same time it is held firmly on the root. The surface before the ring-skirt is painted in white drawings, and after - in brown. The main color of the legs is the same as the hat.
Records: light, of unequal length, at a young age covered with a protective film that breaks, forming a velvety ring on the leg. In addition, a recess can be seen at the base of the plates.
Pulp: elastic, dense, white, well preserved, has a strong aroma that cannot be confused with any other kind. Fruity and spicy notes (with a hint of cinnamon) in smell and taste make the mushroom especially popular.
Edibility: pine mushroom mushroom is edible. Attractive taste and unique smell make the mushroom a real delicacy.
Application: Matsutake is perfectly used in any form - both raw and cooked. It is fried, pickled, salted, and also dried. Freezing and prolonged boiling are not allowed. Very appreciated by gourmets for their high palatability. It is also used in Chinese traditional medicine to improve the digestive tract.
Spread: pine or pine-oak forests of America, Sweden, Finland, Korea and Japan. On our territory, matsutake grows in the eastern part. Rarely found in Belarus and Ukraine.
As can be seen in the photo, pine row mushrooms grow in groups, often forming rings around the tree.I must say that this type of fruiting body prefers to settle in old groves, where trees are already 40-60 years old. Matsutake noticeable in the forest is quite difficult, because he is hiding under the thickness of foliage and needles.