Mushroom pine mushroom (purple)
Family: Wet (Gomphidiaceae).
Synonyms: purple mokruha, shiny mokruha, yellow-legged mokruha, copper-yellow yellow-legged.
Description. A hat with a diameter of 3-12 cm, convex to open, with a slightly bent down edge, red-yellow-brown, sticky, in dry weather - shiny. The plates go down the leg, thick, sparse, olive to yellowish-gray-reddish, reddish-brown, darkening with age. Leg 4-12 X 1 cm, usually tapering to the base, fibrous to scaly, almost uniform with a hat, but yellow at the base. The pulp is wine red, yellow-orange, more yellow in the leg.
The fungus bears fruit often and abundantly in forests with pine, in pines, in pine plantations, along heaths, often on high ground. It forms mycorrhiza with pine, according to some reports - and with birch. It occurs from July to October. Mushrooms growing after autumn frosts often acquire a copper-purple color. In Russia, pine mushroom (purple) spruce grows throughout the forest zone, except in the Extreme South and North.
Mushroom pink mushroom: photo and application
Mushroom mokruha pink (Gomphidius roseus) easily distinguishable from C. rutilus. Pay attention to the photo of the mushroom: pink mokruha has a bright pink hat and lighter plates.
Application in traditional medicine. In folk medicine, ointments prepared on the basis of alcohol tincture are used against ordinary and neurogenic dermatitis. Other fungi for treating dermatitis are Amanita muscaria, dung beetle gray, yellow chanterelle and pointed fiber.
In the north and northeast of China, this mokruha is one of the main mushrooms collected by the local population, both for medicinal and for food purposes.
Collection Rules: Young fruit bodies are harvested. Used alcohol infusions. The ointment is prepared similarly to that of a red fly agaric.
Cooking Application: Used for frying, does not require preliminary boiling. The taste is similar to the oils that are the closest relative.