Mokruha: photo and description
In this article, you will be offered a photo and a description of the mokruh mushroom of the most common types: spruce, pink and purple. You can also familiarize yourself with the etymology of the name of the fungus, find out where and when it grows, you will see a photo of the mushroom in the natural habitat.
Mushroom spruce mushroom and his photo
Category: edible.
Hat of spruce spruce (Gomphidius glutinosus) (diameter 5-14 cm): grayish or gray-brown, may be dark spots and cast a lilac or purple. The fleshy, in young mushrooms, has the shape of a hemisphere, which then changes to almost open, and sometimes slightly depressed. In the center there is usually a small tubercle. The skin is smooth and mucous to the touch, easily detached from the pulp.
Leg (height 4-13 cm): lemon yellow at the base and grayish at the top. Often covered with scales and darkens with light pressure.
Pay attention to the photo of spruce spruce: the solid and massive hat of young mushrooms is slightly swollen, but eventually becomes cylindrical. As slippery and sticky as a hat. It connects to it with a transparent mucous coverlet, consisting of fibers. In mature mushrooms, it breaks, and its remains form a mucous ring on the stem.
The plates are white or light gray; they become brown with age, and black in old mushrooms. Branched and thick, with a characteristic veil.
Pulp: white or pinkish, with age changes to gray and at the very base to yellowish. It has a sour taste and a faint aroma.
For the first time, the spruce spruce mushroom was described by the famous German botanist, mycologist and entomologist Jacob Schaeffer in 1774. He assigned this mushroom to the Champignon family (Agaricus) and named Agaricus Glutinosus, which means “molar” in Greek. Another, accepted at the present time name, Gomphidius Glutinosus spruce spruce received in 1838 thanks to the work of the Swedish scientist Elias Fries.
Doubles: related edible mokruhs are purple (Chroogomphus rutilus) and spotted (Gomphidius maculatus), and mushrooms with dark hats are similar to ordinary butterflies (Suillus luteus). But the flesh of the mokrukh at the fracture noticeably turns red, and the butter does not have plates.
When growing: from mid-August to early October in the northern regions of the Eurasian continent.
Where can I find: in mixed and coniferous forests, mainly next to spruce and pine trees, often among moss and heather thickets. If you intend to collect different mushrooms, then in order not to stain them with mucus, define an isolated place for spruce spruce.
Eating: in almost any form, subject to preliminary boiling and removal of the mucous membrane of the skin from the cap. In Russia it is not particularly popular, and in Europe it is considered a very tasty mushroom. With pickling or salting, spruce spruces darken very much. This property does not in any way affect their taste.
Application in traditional medicine (data not confirmed and not passed clinical trials!): in the form of tinctures as an effective antimicrobial agent.
Other names: gooey sticky, slug.
Wet purple and photo mushroom
Category: edible.
Title purple spaghetti (Chroogomphus rutilus) from Latin literally translates as "yellow-red", "golden-red". The color of this mokruha is not always purple. And the species name appeared due to the fact that when exposed to high temperatures, the fungus becomes just purple.
Hat (diameter 4-14 cm): shiny red-brown, red-brick or lilac, in old mushrooms it usually fades and loses its motley color. Initially conical, with a central tubercle, with time it becomes convex or almost prostrate. It has a brown cover, in a dark and damp place or after rain it can be covered with a layer of sticky mucus. Edges are usually bent to the inside.
Leg (height 4-10 cm): solid and curved, has the shape of a cylinder. Usually the same color with a hat, a little sticky.
If you carefully look at the photo of the fungus purple mokruha, you can see that its arcuate plates are easily separated from the cap. Most often they are lilac or magenta. Old mushrooms become almost black.
Pulp: fleshy, in the lower part fibrous. The yellowish color at the break point and when interacting with air changes to pink or red. It has no pronounced smell and taste.
Pest insects are especially fond of purple moss, so you should carefully inspect the mushroom before putting it in the basket.
Doubles: five edible mossbirds, namely felt (Chroogomphus tomentosus), spruce (Gomphidius glutinosus), Swiss (Chroogomphus helveticus), pink (Gomphidius roseus) and spotted (Gomphidius maculatus). The difference is that the felt hat has a whitish pubescence; spruce, as a rule, grows only next to spruce, and also has a more grayish-blue color; hat Swiss ocher and also with a little felt pubescence. The pink mokruha has light plates and a bright pink hat, and the spotted one almost always grows under larch trees.
When growing: from the beginning of August to the end of September in temperate countries of the Eurasian continent. In Russia, mainly on European territory, less often in Siberia and the North Caucasus.
Where can I find: on calcareous soils of coniferous and deciduous forests, most often near pine and birch.
Eating: in any form, provided that the mucous membrane of the skin is removed from the cap.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.
Other names: mucuria mucosa, shiny mucuria, yellow-legged moss, yellow copper-yellow.
Mushroom pink mushroom and his photo
Category: edible.
Hat of pink spruce (Gomphidius roseus) (diameter 3-6 cm): pale or serorozovy, strongly fades, especially in the center. Pretty small with wavy edges.
As can be seen in the photo of pink mokruha, the cap is convex in the young mushroom, but eventually it spreads. Mucous to the touch.
Leg (height 2-5 cm): solid, cylindrical in shape. With a mucous ring that becomes thinner and disappears as the fungus grows older.
Records: sparse, thick and covered with mucus. In young mushrooms, ceps gradually change color to gray or purple.
Pay attention to the photo of the pulp of the mushroom pink mushroom: at the base of the leg it has a pink tint, which explains the name of the species.
Doubles: are absent.
When growing: from late July to mid-September.
Where can I find: on the moist soils of pine forests.
Eating: fresh, salted or pickled.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.