Psilocytes semi-lanceolate: photo of the fungus and where to find it
Mushroom psilocybe semilanceolate (Psilocybe semilanceata) refers to poisonous mushrooms and has a psychoactive effect. Already during the first hour of action moderate side effects are felt: unpleasant sensations in the stomach, cold and tremor, suffocation, visual impairment.
However, it is necessary to know where the psilocybe is semi-lanceolate, in order to avoid these places in order to avoid poisoning.
Psilocyba mushrooms can be found: in moist fertile meadows and fields in the countries of the Northern Hemisphere with a subarctic and temperate climate. Prefers to grow among grass: on pastures or infertile meadows, glades, in damp places, on hummocks, on irrigated surfaces.
Hat (diameter 4-22 cm): usually olive, gray, beige or brownish. In young mushrooms, conical or bell-shaped, changes over time to almost completely open.
Pay attention to the photo of the psilocybe hemispherical: the edges of the cap are dotted with grooves, and in the center, as a rule, there is a dull tubercle. The peel, often slippery and slightly sticky, is easily removed from the pulp.
Leg (height 4-12 cm): white, grayish or yellowish, very thin, hollow, curved. At the very bottom you can often see small scales.
Pulp: thin, yellowish. When cracked or cut, it gives off the smell of dried grass or mold.
Records: ocher or grayish in color. As the fungus grows older, they acquire a dark blue or purple hue or turn black.
Where psilocytes can be found, their counterparts also grow: the inedible Konocibe tender (Conocybe tenera), which is distinguished by darker plates of dark chocolate color.
When psilocytes grow semi-lanceolate
Psilocytes are semi-lanceolate when the summer heat begins to subside. The peak of their distribution is mid-August. Fruiting ends in early January.
Eating: not used.
Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.
Important! A semi-lanceolate psilocybe contains psilocin, therefore it falls under the law of the Russian Federation on counteracting the circulation of narcotic drugs. And excessive and prolonged use of these mushrooms can lead to suicidal moods.
Other names: sharp conical bald head, freedom cap, freckle.