Poisonous mushrooms, similar to gray row
Poisonous mushrooms, similar to rowans, grow in the same mixed or coniferous forests as edible species. In addition, their productivity falls in the months of August and October, which is typical for the collection of good mushrooms.
Similarities and differences of rows from other mushrooms
There are poisonous mushrooms, similar to the common gray row, so everyone who is going to the forest for a mushroom crop should carefully study the similarities and differences of these fruiting bodies before collecting them. For example, the pointed row is very similar to the pointed row, but its bitter taste and appearance should stop the mushroom picker from collecting. This fruiting body has a gray hat, which is also very cracked at the edges. In the center is a pointed tubercle, which the edible gray rowing does not have. In addition, the pointed one is much smaller in size, has a thin stalk and does not grow in rows and large groups, like its edible “fellow”.
The tiger row or leopard - another poisonous mushroom, similar to a gray row. Its toxins are very dangerous for humans. It grows in oak, deciduous and coniferous forests, preferring calcareous soil. With growth, it forms rows or “witch circles”.
Poisonous Tiger Ryadovka - A rare and toxic mushroom with a ball-shaped hat, in adulthood, resembles a bell, and then becomes fully extended. The color is off-white or grayish; there are flaky scales on the surface of the hat.
Leg from 4 cm to 12 cm long, straight, white, has a rusty tint at the base.
The plates are fleshy, rare, yellow or green. Moisture droplets secreted by the fruit body are very often visible on the plates.
Poisonous ranks love to grow on the edges of deciduous or coniferous forests, in meadows and fields, parks and gardens, almost throughout the temperate zone of Russia. These row-like mushrooms begin bearing fruit from the end of August and continue almost until mid or late October. Therefore, when you are going to go to the forest, it is very important to understand the ranks well. Otherwise, you can seriously harm your health and the health of your loved ones.