The technology of growing boletus and boletus
Boletus - tubular mycorrhizal fungus. It is also called aspen, red-headed. It is common in the temperate zone of the Northern Hemisphere. It grows in mixed aspen forests of Europe, Siberia, the Urals, the Far East. Fruits in the summer from June to September. It grows in moist, light areas, on light, fertile sandy soil. There are many different types of this fungus.
The cap of young mushrooms is spherical in shape, its edges are firmly pressed to the leg. Over time, it becomes flatter and pillow-like and grows up to 20 cm in diameter. Coloring can be different: from red and red-brown to white or whitish-brown. Tubules are gray, cream or off-white. The leg extends downward or cylindrical, white, grows up to 20 cm in length and up to 5 cm in diameter. It is covered with fibrous oblong brown or black scales. The pulp is dense, white, strong, sometimes it turns blue or red when cut.
You will learn how to grow boletus and boletus in the country by reading the material on this page.
The proper cultivation of boletus in a personal plot
For growing boletus, it is best to use cereal mycelium. On the site, you should choose a shaded, moist place, protected from the wind, it is desirable that aspen or other forest trees grow nearby. The soil should be sandy. At a selected site, dig a hole measuring 2 X 2 m and a depth of 30 cm. Then, its bottom is lined with leaves with a layer 10 cm thick. It is better to take aspen leaves or sawdust. Then the second layer is made from forest land taken from aspen. It should also be 10 cm thick. Then a layer of cereal mycelium is poured and everyone is covered with garden soil.
The mycelium can be seeded in two ways - to prepare cereal mycelium and place it in the prepared beds or to make a suspension.
To prepare the suspension, large overripe mushrooms should be collected in the forest and the tubular layer should be separated from them. Then pass it through a meat grinder and place in a container with rainwater: for 10 liters of water - 2 kg of mushroom mass. Add 15 g baking yeast, mix and leave for 2 weeks at room temperature. When the foam appears on the surface with small debris and particles of pulp, the suspension is ready. It must be poured onto the prepared bed, under the top layer of garden soil. Then pour the bed with rainwater and cover with burlap.
Proper cultivation of aspen boletus in a garden in a dry summer requires mandatory humidification of the beds. It must be watered from a watering can or using a spray. The first mushrooms appear the next year after planting the mycelium. Collect the boletus should be careful, cutting them, and not twisting, so as not to damage the mycelium.
In Japan, a species similar to the winter open-air bird is cultivated - colibia spindle-footed, conditionally edible mushroom. Only hats are used for food, since the legs are too rough. This is one of the most popular mushrooms in Japanese cuisine.
Next, you will learn how to grow wild boletus mushrooms yourself.
How to grow brown boletus in the country
Boletus is one of the most common tubular mushrooms. It grows near birch trees and forms a symbiosis with their roots. It can be found in the forests of Europe, Siberia, the Urals, the Far East, even in the Arctic. It grows in mixed forests, in the tundra and in swamps, at the edges and hillocks, in bright places. Fruits in the summer, from June to September.
The mushroom cap grows up to 15 cm in diameter. At first it is convex, then it becomes flatter. It happens gray, grayish-brown, whitish, brown, black. The tubules are first whitish, then become brownish-gray. The leg grows up to 20 cm long and up to 3 cm in diameter, slightly thickened below or cylindrical, whitish and covered with gray, brown or black oblong scales. The pulp is white, dense, on the cut can turn pink. Boletus is used in all types of blanks.
It is possible to grow boletus in open ground under trees. All conditions close to natural should be created for the growth of mycelium. Why choose a ventilated bright place, but protected from direct sunlight. It is better to have mycelium near birches. But you can choose a plot in the orchard.
Before growing birch trees in the garden, you need to dig a hole 30 cm deep, 2 X 2 m in size. A layer of birch sawdust or leaves 10 cm thick is placed on the bottom of the pit. You can also use a mixture of birch bark and sawdust. The second layer is made of humus taken from a boletus boletus in the forest. The fungal grain mycelium is poured onto it and covered with a layer of leaves or sawdust. It should be of the same composition as the first, 3 cm thick. The last layer is made from garden soil 5 cm thick. It is watered with warm rain water.
Instead of cereal mycelium, you can plant a bed with spores from the caps of old mushrooms. Why hats are poured with rainwater and placed in a wooden container. After a day, filter the water and watered the cooked bed with it.
If sowing is done with cereal mycelium, the first mushrooms appear after 2.5–3 months and you can harvest every 2-3 weeks until late autumn. In the second method, mushrooms appear only the next year.
Mushroom cultivation consists only in watering the beds. It should always be wet. But one should not overdo it. From excessive moisture, the mycelium disappears. Mushrooms should be carefully cut with a knife, without damaging the mycelium. After collecting the next crop, the bed should be well watered with rain or well water.