How to salt and pickle mushrooms so that the mushrooms do not darken
Although mushrooms are cooked in a variety of ways, the most popular of which are salting and pickling. However, during processing, some problems may arise - mushrooms become dark. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the information on why mushrooms change color and what to do to prevent mushrooms from darkening?
Why does salted mushrooms pickle a dark color?
Salting the forest delicacy is carried out in two ways - hot and cold. The first option involves a longer cooking process, as it is based on preliminary heat treatment of the product.
The main advantage of salting is that for it you can take mushrooms of any size and even collected on different days. But note that this can cause dark pickle in salted mushrooms. Indeed, some mushrooms were in the air for a longer time, and the oxidation process took longer, others freshly picked. When fruit bodies are joined together and salted, the brine often acquires a dark color. Therefore, some housewives still prefer to salt saffron mushrooms so that mushrooms collected in one day are in the same container.
Now about the cold pickling method: It is great for preserving the workpiece for a long time. In addition, it helps preserve all the vitamins and micronutrients in the final product. However, even here, the brine with salted mushrooms may become dark in color. Why did this situation happen and how can it be fixed?
The cold method of salting is very attractive for many cooks, as it does not have a heat treatment process. The reason why in salted saffron mushrooms the brine becomes dark may be their appearance. For example, spruce and pine fruit bodies even when cut, change color and become dark. And when the mushrooms are salted, then darkening cannot be avoided, and the liquid in which they are located becomes the corresponding color. But this in no case should upset, since darkening is a natural process during salting.
The saffron pickle can also become dark due to the fact that the storage of the workpiece was incorrect. If the mushrooms were stored in the basement at temperatures above + 12 ° C, the mushrooms can not only darken, but also become sour. Then their use in food is strictly prohibited.Store salted mushrooms at a temperature of + 7 + 10 ° C in a well-ventilated and dark room.
How to pickle mushrooms so that they do not darken, and do you need to soak the mushrooms?
Every novice housewife wants to know how to salt the mushrooms so that they do not darken. In this regard, the question arises of soaking: is it worth carrying out a similar procedure for saffron milk caps? It turns out that this process can also affect the color change of the brine in the final product. If fruit bodies were collected off the road, then soaking would be useful to remove harmful substances from them, but for no more than 1 hour. It is important to remember that prolonged contact of camelina with water negatively affects the shape of the hat, and then leads to darkening of the brine in the blank.
The best option would be not soaking the saffron mushrooms, but simply washing them in a large amount of cold water. For many novice cooks, their more experienced colleagues advise cleaning mushrooms with a damp kitchen sponge or a medium-hard toothbrush.
How to salted mushrooms so that they do not darken, and the result is a stunningly delicious dish for holiday feasts? If you need to process a large number of fruiting bodies, then the entire mass of already peeled mushrooms is immersed in cold water, non-iodized salt and citric acid are added. Water should be slightly salted and with acidity. In addition, mushrooms should be crushed with a load so that they are covered with water and not in the sun. As soon as the mushrooms are peeled, they immediately begin to salting them.
What needs to be done before pickling so that the mushrooms do not darken?
There is another popular way to harvest mushrooms for the winter - this is pickling. How to pickle mushrooms so that they do not darken in banks?
It is worth noting that pickled mushrooms can perfectly retain all their taste. However, so that the saffron brine does not become dark, you must observe all the proportions of spices and spices indicated in the recipe. Too much of them in the marinade can lead to its darkening. Store jars with pickled mushrooms in a cool and well-ventilated area at a temperature not exceeding + 10 ° C. The high temperature during storage leads to spoilage of the product, which will not allow them to eat.
In order to prevent darkening of the brine in saffron mushrooms, you need to follow some rules:
- Collect mushrooms only in sunny and dry weather;
- Avoid prolonged storage of fresh fruiting bodies;
- Rinse mushrooms only in cold water using salt and citric acid;
- Prepare and store saffron mushrooms only in enameled, glass and wooden utensils.
How to cook mushrooms so that they do not darken?
Before pickling or pickling, you need to know how to cook mushrooms properly so that they do not darken. When boiling, you need to add water and add citric acid. In addition, you need to ensure that the mushrooms are completely in the water and not come in contact with air.
Jars with mushrooms should be closed only with tight kapron lids, as metal oxidizes quickly and the brine darkens. In addition, if the cans are in a bright room for a long time, this can cause a darkening of the brine.