Why are the mushrooms darkened and what to do?
Gruzdi is a special type of mushroom that requires some attention. In order for the cooked appetizer to be tasty and safe to eat, the product must be properly cleaned and soaked. Sometimes mushroom pickers ask why suddenly darkened breasts appeared in the basket if they were not gathered in the forest, and why did they change color?
- Is it possible to eat breasts if they are darkened?
- What to do if the breasts darken while soaking?
- What to do so that the soaked breasts do not darken in the water?
- Why darkened mushrooms in the bank during salting?
- Is it possible to eat darkened salted mushrooms and what to do if mushrooms darken during salting under oppression?
- Problems with salting: why did the brine in the newly salted loaves go dark?
- How to cook mushrooms so that the mushrooms do not darken?
- How else can you boil the mushrooms so that they do not darken?
- Why did the white breasts darken and how to bleach the mushrooms?
Is it possible to eat breasts if they are darkened?
What should I do if the mushrooms darken in the basket? This sign of darkened mushrooms suggests that for a long time they remained in the air. Therefore, the color change should not scare you, this is a normal state, and throwing such instances is not worth it.
After the fruiting bodies have been cut, they must be cleaned of forest debris. It is recommended to do such a preliminary cleaning right in the forest, and after arriving home - continue the procedure. At the same time, it is better to pour the breasts immediately with cold water, and then clean them, transferring them to another container filled with a clean portion of water.
Cleaning the breasts is quick and easy. So, hats and legs are cleaned with an ordinary toothbrush. You can also use the hard side of the kitchen sponge. The peel is removed only from black breasts, which after the cleansing process become completely white. Do not forget that you need to remove all the mucus from the black breasts, and then clean it to white.
But if the peeled breasts have darkened, is it possible to eat them or to cook one of them? Very often, fruiting bodies that have darkened even before soaking become lighter if they are boiled with citric acid. This ingredient can return the color to the breasts and bleach them.
Mushrooms can darken when soaked, when salted, when boiled, sometimes right in the banks. There are times that with all these processes, white breasts darken. Below, all options are considered in more detail in which the breasts darken in different processing processes, as well as after cooking. In addition, the article describes how to solve the problem of darkened mushrooms.
What to do if the breasts darken while soaking?
It often happens that when soaking the breasts have darkened, what should I do? This is the first question that arises for every housewife who has encountered this problem. It is worth saying that the mushrooms, especially black ones, need to be soaked before pickling or pickling. This process takes from 2 to 5 days.At the same time, the water in the mushrooms must be constantly changed: 3-4 times a day, and after each process, the breasts should be washed. But what if the breasts soaked for salting darkened?
Many people face this problem, but it is quite solvable. Mushrooms, in contact with air, oxidize and darken. Perhaps not all fruiting bodies soaked in water were completely immersed in it. It is because of this that the breasts acquire a dark color, however, the darkening does not affect the taste of the final product.
If the breasts darken while soaking, do not worry much and attach importance. Boiling mushrooms with the addition of vinegar or citric acid will return them a light tone. Therefore, if every culinary specialist knows how to properly soak the breasts, then there will be no darkening of the fruit bodies or their blackness.
What to do so that the soaked breasts do not darken in the water?
Tip: so that the breasts in the water do not darken, they are crushed with a load. All the time the mushrooms are soaked, they must be completely immersed in water. Darkened breasts are checked for hardness, and if they are very soft and fall apart in their hands - it is better to throw such mushrooms.
Soaked breasts are cleaned directly in the water, cutting off all areas damaged by worms, as well as removing overripe specimens. Large caps of fruit bodies are cut into several parts. The main purpose of soaking is not just to remove the bitterness, but to give the breasts elasticity. For example, white breasts are steeped for 2-3 days, while black ones are 3-5 days old. Several times the water is drained and poured new (cold) so that the mushrooms do not sour. And of course, the main rule is to crush the breasts in the water with a load so that they do not come into contact with the air for a long time and do not darken. Each time, changing the water, it is necessary to assess the degree of elasticity of the fruiting bodies: perhaps it is time to salt them.
Why darkened mushrooms in the bank during salting?
Everyone likes to eat mushrooms, especially salted for the winter in a hot or cold way. However, everyone should know that it is best to use the hot option, which is more practical, since the mushrooms after soaking are also boiled. But sometimes it happens that after the process of processing, the salty breasts darkened, why did this happen? Many such a feature plunges into shock, prompting the thought of a possible poisoning.
So, why did the mushrooms darken during salting and how can this be fixed? Experienced housewives give the recommendation to never roll up cans with blank metal covers. It is better to cover them with paper soaked in vodka or medical alcohol, which they twist with a rope or dense threads. Often they top up with calcined vegetable oil and store the appetizer in the refrigerator.
And the mushrooms in the bank darkened because they were not completely covered with brine. This is another reason for the darkening of fruiting bodies already salted. To prevent this from happening, add cold boiled water to the jars. This will help to well salted all the mushrooms and stored for a long time.
Is it possible to eat darkened salted mushrooms and what to do if mushrooms darken during salting under oppression?
Some housewives ask: Is it possible to eat darkened salty breasts? If the mushrooms for a short time were left without brine in banks, then they are completely poured and left for several days. Such mushrooms can be eaten, however, before use they are washed well in water several times, and only then they begin tasting. I must say that it is impossible to poison with such mushrooms, they are completely edible.
But if during salting under oppression the breasts darkened, then it is better not to eat such mushrooms. Do not risk your health and the health of your loved ones - throw away the fruiting bodies. Perhaps it was an inedible species, or maybe the mushrooms were too old, with accumulated toxins.
Problems with salting: why did the brine in the newly salted loaves go dark?
Usually, the muffins are salted in glass jars, because oak or ceramic barrels are practically not found in stores.Mushrooms are laid in layers and sprinkled with salt and other spices, with each layer must be tightly packed with your hands or a stainless steel spoon.
There are times when pickling darkened the pickle, and not the mushrooms themselves. Perhaps, in this case, salting was carried out incorrectly, all the rules and recommendations were not followed. Therefore, fruiting bodies are removed from the can, the brine is poured, and the mushrooms are washed well and again poured with a brine made from new ingredients.
Now, why the pickle has darkened in recently salted buns, you know. You can remake it, pour mushrooms, crush it in banks so that there are no air pockets and after 30 days of salting, eat and treat your guests.
However, it happens that even with remade salting, the brine darkens, why? In this embodiment, all proportions of the ingredients in the recipe may have been incorrectly observed. If there was little salt and the mushrooms could not get their dose, then the brine becomes cloudy and becomes dark in color. Some replace the brine again, but many housewives boil the mushrooms (if it was cold salting) and marinate with the addition of vinegar, cloves and dill.
How to cook mushrooms so that the mushrooms do not darken?
Some housewives noticed that the mushrooms darkened during cooking, why did this happen? If during the soaking of mushrooms the water rarely changed, then the remaining bitterness can come out when boiling - this gives the dark color to the breasts.
How to cook mushrooms so as not to darken? Usually, when cooking, all fruiting bodies darken slightly. But some experienced mushroom pickers advise boiling whole milk in salted water, and only after boiling cut. You can also add garlic slices into water with mushrooms, cut into several parts, as well as dry mustard (1/2 tbsp. L. To 2 liters of water).
How else can you boil the mushrooms so that they do not darken?
How can you still boil the mushrooms so that they do not darken, and is there such an option? To reduce the oxidation process and reduce the risk of darkening of the breasts, citric acid, vinegar, or lemon wedges are added to boiling water. In addition, so that the mushrooms do not lose their color, they are boiled 3 times in salted and acidified water.
- The soaked breasts are laid out in an enameled pan, poured with cold water, salted.
- So much citric acid is added so that the water becomes acidic.
- After 20-25 minutes, the water drains, the mushrooms are washed and poured new. The second and third time, the mushrooms can be boiled without salt and citric acid for 10 minutes.
- Such breasts can be fried, added to soups, fish soup, potatoes and all kinds of salads.
It is worth saying that salting and pickling of bread requires certain knowledge from the cooks regarding the cooking technology and storage conditions, which will help to avoid darkening.
Why did the white breasts darken and how to bleach the mushrooms?
White breast is considered a mushroom of the first category with excellent taste, but these fruiting bodies can disappoint if they get dark.
What to do if white breasts darken during boiling? A possible reason was the old specimens, which were cooked along with others. If you cook these fruiting bodies separately, then believe me, younger white breasts during cooking will leave their color unchanged.
There is another reason why white breasts darken when boiled. When boiling, mushrooms should be completely immersed in water so that there is no contact with air. To do this, put a lid on the breasts, the diameter of which is less than the diameter of the pan. Then they will be in the water, which eliminates the risk of discoloration.
However, if nevertheless they have darkened, how should the milk be whitened, and is such a procedure possible? As already noted, before boiling, white breasts are always sorted: old specimens are taken and boiled separately from young ones. Large hats are cut into several parts, small ones are left this way. When pickling or pickling, it is better to cut the legs of the fruiting bodies and leave no more than 1 cm, and put the cut off onto other dishes.To whiten darkened white breasts, freshly squeezed lemon juice, or, as mentioned above, citric acid is added to the water during boiling. It is this ingredient that can give the mushrooms a light shade.