Under which covers pickle mushrooms: tips for housewives
What lids to pickle pickled mushrooms to store in winter
Novice culinary experts repeatedly ask this question, since many cases of poisoning by butulism bacteria caused by tight tight sealing with metal covers are known to many. However, some experienced mushroom pickers confidently use these iron devices in their practice, not at all fearing for their health. So, what kind of lids can you cover with pickled mushrooms?
First you need to figure out what kind of harvesting method you plan to carry out with the harvested mushroom crop: pickling or pickling. If we are talking about salted mushrooms, then here you need to use plastic covers, or glass, but the latter is better not to tighten very much. In the absence of air, dangerous botulinum toxin bacteria begin to develop in the bank. In this case, it is better to use polyethylene covers, since they freely pass air.
And if you want to prepare pickled mushrooms for the winter, then with what covers to close the banks in this case? Can I use iron or screw caps? It turns out that using this method of seaming is quite possible and safe if vinegar is present in the marinade. The fact is that the acidic environment does not allow botulinum toxin bacteria to live in the bank and multiply. Otherwise, without vinegar, which inhibits the spread of a dangerous bacterium that enters the jar with the remaining soil on the pulp of the mushroom, you can greatly risk it. After all, no matter how well the fruiting bodies are processed, the minimum amount of dirt on their surface remains.
Thus, under which covers to pickle mushrooms, you decide for yourself. You can also use plastic covers, but the storage time for preservation will be significantly reduced. The length of time the preparation is stored in the basement depends on the covers under which the pickled mushrooms are stored. I must say that under the nylon coating the fruit bodies are kept for no more than 3 months, and under the metal one for no more than 1 year.
Which caps are best for pickled mushrooms?
There are a lot of discussions about what covers to pickle pickled mushrooms. In any case, if you want to use metal covers, pay attention to their quality. Each instance has a special inert coating inside. Curved, scratched and those with visible lacquer on the back, it is definitely better not to take it.
Before choosing which covers to cover the pickled mushrooms, you need to take into account that the metal can oxidize in contact with the marinade. Therefore, in this case, it is better to fill the brine so that it does not touch the neck of the can, and store the containers themselves exclusively in an upright position. In addition, so that the metal does not give in to corrosion, you can pour a small layer of vegetable oil on top of the marinade, and then safely roll it up. Do not forget also that it is necessary to sterilize not only the cans, but also the lids. It is important to consider all these points when deciding under which cover the pickled mushrooms should be closed. There are no concrete answers to this question, however, there are useful recommendations that you need to listen to when choosing a seaming method.
What lids can be used to cover pickled porcini mushrooms?
And what about pickled porcini mushrooms - What kind of lid does this type of fruiting body cover? In this case, there are also no specific laws and strict rules. As already noted, under a plastic coating in mushrooms, the shelf life is sharply reduced. And if you want your snack to stay longer, it is better to use metal lids, but acetic acid must be present in the marinade.
Knowing all these simple tips, the question: what covers you need to close the pickled mushrooms, will not confuse the hostess.