Pigs for the winter: freezing and preservation
- Is it possible to freeze pigs for the winter and how to do it?
- What can be prepared from sows for the winter: recipe for caviar from mushrooms with lemon juice
- Recipe for porcini mushroom caviar with tomatoes for the winter
- Harvesting sows for the winter: a recipe for spicy caviar from mushrooms
- Fragrant porcini mushroom caviar
- Salted Caviar Caviar
- Harvesting sows with carrots for the winter
- How to cook pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter
- Pigs marinated for the winter with cinnamon in jars
- Naughty sows for the winter
- How to deliciously preserve porcini mushrooms for the winter with olive oil
- Harvesting sows with vegetable oil
- Canned pigs with citric acid for the winter
- Close the pigs in the brine for the winter
Is it possible to freeze pigs for the winter and how to do it?
This method of food storage is rapidly gaining popularity from year to year. Therefore, many cooks have a question about whether it is possible to freeze porcini mushrooms for the winter. The answer is yes, but with one very important point: only after preliminary cooking. Its technology consists of the following stages:
- To clear mushrooms from forest debris, wash thoroughly, soak in salt water, let stand for five or six hours, then pour out water. Soak twice more in the same way.
- As soon as the pigs are wet, strain them with a colander, put them in a cooking vessel, pour water in the proportion: mushrooms - 1 kg / water - 1 l / salt - 1 tsp.
- The liquid with the sows should be boiled, then cook them for five minutes over medium-high heat under a lid, then drain the water from them.
- For the second time, fill the sows with salted water (the proportion is the same), after boiling, boil for half an hour and again pour the liquid.
- Fill the pigs again with the same salted water, allow the mass to boil, boil for about 50 minutes, put in a colander at the end, cool.
Now you can freeze the pigs, boiled until tender, for the winter: they have the property of being stored in the freezer for about 6 months. Before you cook any dish with them, you will need to first thaw them at room temperature.
What can be prepared from sows for the winter: recipe for caviar from mushrooms with lemon juice
Mushroom caviar is considered one of the most delicious and versatile snacks. She can both diversify the table for the holiday, and use it as "mincemeat" for pies, pies, as an ingredient in the process of creating other culinary masterpieces. Therefore, to the question of what can be prepared from mushrooms of sows for the winter, one of the answers is caviar. Below are some simple recipes, the implementation of which, among other things, does not require significant financial costs.
The original taste is different from caviar from sows with lemon juice for the winter. To prepare it, you should take the following components:
- 1 kg of pigs;
- 0.2 kg of onion;
- 50 g of green parsley;
- 0.1 l of sunflower oil;
- 20 ml of lemon juice;
- 20 g of salt;
- a pinch of ground black pepper.
The procedure for preparing caviar from porcini mushrooms for the winter is presented in the photo recipe step by step:

Prepare mushrooms, as before cooking - remove garbage from them, wash, soak three times for five hours in salted water.

After that, they must be cut into small pieces, put in a cooking vessel, pour water there so that all copies are covered, salt, let it boil, boil over moderate heat for 50 minutes. It is important to monitor the appearance of foam and constantly remove it.

Peel onions, cut into small cubes, fry in sunflower oil.

Wash, dry, chop finely the parsley.

Put the pigs in a colander so that the liquid is completely gone, allow them to cool, grind with a meat grinder. Add parsley, fried onions and oil to the chopped mushrooms, after frying the remaining in the skillet. Pour lemon juice into the caviar, introduce pepper, mix thoroughly.

Put the mass in jars, sterilize for 40 minutes, roll up the previously boiled lids.
Recipe for porcini mushroom caviar with tomatoes for the winter
Another no less tasty mushroom caviar for the winter is made from sows, salad peppers and tomatoes. A list of components should be prepared in order to create this dish:
- sows - 2 kg;
- vinegar - 20 mg;
- onions - 0.8 kg;
- sunflower oil - 0.2 l;
- carrots - 0.4 kg;
- salad pepper - 1 kg;
- tomatoes - 0.4 kg;
- garlic - 2 teeth .;
- salt, granulated sugar, ground black pepper - to your own taste.
The recipe for preparing such caviar from sows for the winter includes several successive steps:
- Perform preliminary preparation of mushrooms, as in the previous recipe.
- Next, pour the boiled water over the boiling water, cook for half an hour, put in a colander so that the water is completely glass.
- Twist the mushrooms in a meat grinder, and then lettuce and tomatoes (you must first peel the vegetables). Mix all.
- Fry carrots with onions until half cooked.
- To make caviar from mushrooms of pigs homogeneous for the winter, you need to grind all the ingredients in a blender.
- Then put the mass in a cauldron, add salt, granulated sugar, pepper, sunflower oil, boil for one hour over low heat. Add garlic, vinegar to the prepared caviar, put in jars, sterilize for 30-40 minutes and roll.
Harvesting sows for the winter: a recipe for spicy caviar from mushrooms
For lovers of spicy tastes, there is a recipe for spicy caviar from porcini mushrooms for the winter. According to him, you need such a set of ingredients:
- 7-liter bucket of pigs;
- 3 onion heads;
- salt to taste;
- 1 tbsp. refined vegetable oil;
- 5 peas of allspice;
- 5 pieces. dried cloves;
- 1 tbsp. l vinegar essence (70%)
Pigs for harvesting for the winter in this way need to be processed according to the following technology:
- Soak the mushrooms during the day, changing the water 3-4 times.
- Put the pigs in a saucepan, put in a bag of gauze peas, allspice and cloves, place them on the mushrooms, add salted water and boil for an hour after boiling.
- Finely chop the onion, fry it in vegetable oil until golden, add salt.
- Put the pigs in a colander, after the water drains, detail in a blender, pour the fried onions into the mass, mix.
- Pour vegetable oil and vinegar essence into the caviar, mix thoroughly, boil, boil for 20 minutes, stirring constantly.
- Spread caviar in banks, sterilize for about 30 minutes, roll up.
Fragrant porcini mushroom caviar
Another version of spicy and fragrant caviar, made from porcini mushrooms for the winter, requires this set of components:
- 1 kg of pigs;
- 600 g of onions;
- 200 ml of vegetable oil;
- 80 ml apple cider vinegar;
- 1.5 liters of water;
- 20 g of salt;
- 50 g each of cilantro, parsley, dill.
To cook mushroom caviar from sows according to this recipe for the winter, you need to follow this sequence of steps:
- Wash the mushrooms, cut into medium-sized pieces, put in a pan, pour salted water into it, boil everything and boil for about 40 minutes. The foam formed on the surface must be constantly removed.
- Remove the pigs from the water using a slotted spoon, cool, twist into a meat grinder.
- Dice the onion, fry in vegetable oil, and also pass through a meat grinder.
- Wash greens, dry, chop finely.
- Mix the mushroom mass with onion, add greens, apple cider vinegar, the rest of the vegetable oil to the mixture, mix thoroughly.
- Spawn caviar in cans, sterilize for 40 minutes, cork.
Salted Caviar Caviar
You can use salty pigs for mushroom caviar for the winter. The recipe includes the following ingredients:
- 1 kg of salty pigs;
- 200 g of onion;
- 0.1 liter of sunflower oil.
The cooking procedure is simple, not time consuming and consists of the following steps:
- Pigs should be thoroughly washed under running water.
- Then dice the onions and fry them in sunflower oil.
- Next, both mushrooms and fried onions must be grinded in a meat grinder, add the oil that is left in the resulting mass and mix thoroughly.
Such caviar is suitable for consumption immediately after cooking, and for harvesting for the winter. If you choose the second method, then the mass must be decomposed into banks, in each of which you need to add 1 tbsp. l sunflower oil (above the volume specified in the recipe). The caviar is closed with polyethylene lids and stored exclusively in the refrigerator chamber.
Harvesting sows with carrots for the winter
Another quick and low-cost recipe for mushroom caviar with vegetables is presented below, for this preparation you need:
- 1 kg of pigs;
- 600 g of carrots;
- 500 g of onion;
- a mixture of ground peppers and salt - to taste;
- sunflower oil for frying.
In the process of harvesting caviar for the winter, pig mushrooms should be processed as follows:
- Wash, soak, boil one of the methods described in previous recipes.
- Next, cut them into small slices, fry in sunflower oil.
- Wash the carrots, dry, wrap in foil and bake in the oven, then peel.
- Dice the onion and fry until golden.
- Grind carrots, onions, mushrooms in a meat grinder, mix. Pour the sunflower oil into the stewpan, put the mushroom mass there, let it boil, simmer for 25 minutes with constant stirring.
- Put in jars, sterilize for 30 minutes, roll up.
Note to the hostess: for sterilization, the workpiece must be laid out in jars of the same volume and size. At the bottom of the pan, spread a dishcloth, place containers with a workpiece in it, pour water so that its level reaches the shoulders of the cans, put on fire, boil and from this moment count the time allotted for sterilization recipes.
How to cook pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter
Pickled pigs are a very nutritious snack that mushroom lovers love to feast on throughout the winter season. There are many popular recipes, among which every gourmet can find the one that suits his taste best. Before you cook pickled mushrooms for winter pigs according to a traditional recipe, you need to stock up on the following ingredients:
- mushrooms - 1 kg;
- garlic - 2 tooth;
- dill - 2 branches;
- water - 1 l;
- salt - 1 tbsp. l .;
- granulated sugar - 1 tbsp. l .;
- cloves - 4 pcs.;
- bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
- black pepper peas - 5 pcs.;
- vinegar - 2 tbsp.
A detailed recipe with a photo shows how to cook mushrooms in a marinade for the winter:

During the day, cleaned and washed pigs should be soaked in salt water (changing the liquid 3 times) to remove toxic substances and bitterness. Prepared in this way, the mushrooms prepared in this way should be put in a saucepan, add salted water, and boil for 30 minutes after boiling.

Next, the pigs must be washed, filled with clean cold water and left for an hour, then put in cans. Next, boil the marinade. Bring the water to a boil, introduce all the spices there, boil it for 3-5 minutes and pour in the pigs.
Pigs marinated for the winter with cinnamon in jars
Another interesting way to cook pickled pigs for the winter with a light oriental flavor is to add cinnamon to the marinade. The list of components for the blank includes the following products:
- mushrooms - 1 kg;
- water - 1 l;
- salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
- vinegar - ½ tbsp .;
- bay leaf - 3 pcs.;
- black pepper peas - 5 pcs.;
- dill - 5 branches;
- ground cinnamon - to taste;
- granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l .;
- garlic - 10 tooth .;
- sunflower oil.
The cooking technology is as follows:
- Prepare the sows first, as in the previous recipe.
- After that, put the mushrooms in a saucepan, add salt water, after boiling, boil for 25 minutes, put in a colander, let the liquids leave, put the pigs in jars.
- Boil the marinade by boiling water, introducing the entire list of spices, as well as vinegar.
- Pour mushrooms with boiling marinade, add 1 tbsp to each container. l sunflower oil and roll up.
You need to store pig’s mushrooms pickled in jars for the winter in a cool place - in the basement, on the loggia, and preferably in the refrigerator chamber.
Naughty sows for the winter
Fans of spicy tastes will certainly like mushrooms pickled with the addition of onions. To prepare such a culinary masterpiece, you can not do without the following list of products:
- mushrooms - 1 kg;
- onions - 1 pc.;
- garlic - 2 teeth .;
- black pepper peas - 4 pcs.;
- vinegar - 2 tbsp. l .;
- salt;
- vegetable oil.
Next, you need to adhere to this step-by-step technology:
- Soaked and washed pig mushrooms, the preparation of which for the winter will be carried out according to this recipe, soak, as described in the first marinating recipe.
- Then pour them with plenty of water, salt, add black pepper with peas, boil.
- Chop the onions in half rings, chop the garlic, and put them in each jar a little.
- Next, put the mushrooms on the banks themselves. In each of them add 1 tbsp. l vinegar and vegetable oil. Close with tight plastic lids, shake to mix all components, store in the refrigerator compartment. It should be used in the current autumn-winter season.
How to deliciously preserve porcini mushrooms for the winter with olive oil
To get especially tasty and tender pigs for the winter, it is worth adding olive oil to the marinade. So, you will need the following ingredients to prepare such a homemade preparation:
- olive oil - 0.75 l;
- wine vinegar - 0.5 l;
- salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
- bay leaf - 4 pcs.;
- cloves - 6 pcs.;
- black pepper peas - 6 pcs.
Then proceed in the following sequence:
- As before, pre-prepare the mushrooms for cooking: peel, rinse, soak, as described in the first recipe.
- Then put them in a pan, fill with water, salt, put vinegar in there.
- Before pickling and preserving the porcini mushrooms for the winter, boil them for 10-15 minutes after boiling. Drain the liquid.
- Sterilize glass jars, put mushrooms in them (layer of sows - layer of spices). Pour olive oil into each jar. Sterilize for 30 minutes, seal, allow to cool and store in a cool place.
Harvesting sows with vegetable oil
You can use sunflower oil for cooking - only in this case you will need to fry the mushrooms first on it. The recipe for cooking roasted pickled mushrooms of sows for the winter provides for the presence of such necessary components:
- 1 kg pig;
- 7 peas of black pepper;
- 5 peas of allspice;
- 3 leaves of laurel;
- 0.1 l of sunflower oil;
- 1.5 tbsp. l salts;
- 3 tooth. garlic.
Harvesting pigs for the winter according to this recipe involves the following steps:
- To clean, wash each mushroom, soak the mass (as described previously).
- Next, boil the boars for about half an hour in a large volume of water.
- Drain, replace clean, boil again, only now for an hour.
- Then remove the mushrooms from the liquid using a slotted spoon, put in a pan with sunflower oil.
- Enter salt, garlic and spices there.
- Sauté the mass over low heat for 40 minutes, stirring occasionally.
- Arrange the mushrooms in jars, close with plastic lids, cool, send them to the refrigerator for storage, consume during this season.
Canned pigs with citric acid for the winter
Unusual taste has canned pigs boiled with citric acid for the winter. For such conservation, you will need:
- mushrooms - 1 kg;
- salt - 2 tbsp. l .;
- citric acid - 2 g;
- water - 400 ml;
- vinegar essence - 1 tsp;
- black pepper peas - 5 pcs.;
- bay leaf - 3 pcs.
Follow the step by step recipe with the photo, preparing the sows for the winter in the marinade in accordance with this method:

Remove debris and wash the mushrooms. Then soak them for 3 hours: fill with plenty of water and change the fluid every 30 minutes.

After that, scrape off the hat and leg of each mushroom with a knife. Large specimens cut. Wash the entire mass again in clean water, preferably flowing.

Put the pigs in a pan, fill with water, boil, add salt, citric acid, boil for 30 minutes, removing the foam and stirring the mass.

Throw the mushrooms in a colander, rinse. Boil for another hour in another water.

Prepare the fill: add the remaining ingredients from the list to the boiled water. Transfer the pigs to the boiling fill, cook for another 15 minutes with regular stirring.

Sterilize glass jars, put mushrooms with marinade in them, roll them up.
Winter pig mushrooms prepared according to the described recipe should be stored in a dark and cool place (not necessarily in the refrigerator compartment).
Close the pigs in the brine for the winter
Mushrooms soaked in brine are considered one of the best savory snacks, which harmonizes with any side dishes. The recipe for making pigs in brine for the winter is simple, you need to take:
- 1 kg of mushrooms;
- 1 sheet of horseradish;
- 1 umbrella of dill;
- 2 sheets of cherries and currants;
- 6 peas of allspice;
- 8 peas of black pepper;
- 2 bay leaves;
- 2 tbsp. l salt.
Next, you need to do the following operations:
- Mushroom pigs before cooking according to this recipe for the winter, you need to wash and soak for 24 hours in salted water, periodically changing the liquid. Then boil in a large volume of the same salted water for half an hour.
- Change the liquid, generously add salt, bring it to a boil again and cook for another 2 hours.
- After an hour of cooking, add spices and leaves to the bowl with mushrooms.
- After cooking, put the mushrooms in jars, pour brine. We close the sows in brine for the winter with dense plastic thermal covers and send them to the refrigerator for storage.
If there is no space in the refrigerator compartment, you need to preserve the mushrooms with metal lids. But they will have to eat this winter - such a preparation is not stored for a long time.
Learn recipes, choose the most interesting, make your own adjustments, because the kitchen is the place for creative searches and experiments.