Mushroom Encyclopedia
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Gebeloma root

Category: inedible.

Hat (diameter 4-18 cm): brilliant, the color can be from completely white to light brick. In young gebeloma, the hat has the shape of a hemisphere, which eventually changes to almost completely open. The edges are usually turned down. Ingrown brownish scales are clearly visible.

Leg (height 6-16 cm): often grayish or taupe with small scales along the entire length. Almost half hidden in the ground, which is why this goebeloma was called root.

Pulp: very dense, white or gray.

Records: firmly grow to the leg. Young mushrooms are gray, but eventually change to ocher or dark brown.

Young root-shaped gebeloma has a sweet taste, which changes to very bitter as the fungus grows.

Doubles: are absent.

Application in traditional medicine: not applicable.

The root-bearing gebeloma fungus grows from mid-July to early October in temperate northern hemisphere countries.

Looks like a root-shaped gebeloma in the photo, see below:

Where can I find: on calcareous and well-drained soils of deciduous forests, it prefers to grow next to oaks.

Eating: inedible due to poor taste.

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Edible mushrooms

