Ryadovka violet: photo, description and distribution
To more clearly get acquainted with the row of violets, we suggest looking at the photo and description belonging to this species.
Description of violet rowing (Lepista irina)
Latin name: Lepista irina.
Family: Ordinary (Tricholomataceae). Some mycologists have transferred this type of fungus to the genus Govorushka (Clitocybe).
Synonyms: lepista violet. Latin synonyms: Clitocybe irina, Gyrophila irina, Tricholoma irinum, Agaricus irinus, Rhodopaxillus irinus.
Hat: rather large, 5-15 cm in diameter, fleshy, in young specimens presented in the form of a sphere. Then it takes on a bell-shaped form and already in deep adulthood becomes prostrate, with wavy uneven edges. The surface of the cap is dry, silky and smooth to the touch. The color is white with a noticeable pink tint, which in maturity becomes reddish-brown. The site located in the center of the cap has a darker shade than at the edges.
Leg: 5-11 cm in height, up to 2 cm thick, strong, fibrous, slightly expanded at the base, sometimes even. The photo shows that the row of violet leg is covered with characteristic vertical strokes, but they can not always be seen. The ring-skirt on this part of the fruit body is completely absent. The surface of the legs is the same color as the hat - whitish, pale or pink-cream.
Pulp: thick, dense, white, with a pleasant floral smell and sweet taste. In wet weather, its structure becomes watery. The pulp of the leg is fibrous and quite stiff, especially at the base.
Records: free, frequent, adhered to the leg, sometimes not reaching it. The color of the plates in young mushrooms is whitish, after which they turn pink, and in maturity a delicate shade resembling the color of cinnamon is noticeable.
Edibility: edible fungus, however, cases of mild poisoning have been known. Apparently, this is due to the fact that the fruit body was collected in ecologically polluted places - near highways, factories and other industrial enterprises.
Similarities and differences: this row can sometimes be confused with a smoky talker. However, the latter is distinguished by a cottony loose pulp and plates descending along the leg. In addition, the govorushka has a strong perfume smell, while the pulp of the lepistas violet has a delicate floral aroma. In addition, this fungus is very similar to the edible truncated row (Tricholoma truncatum). Both of these species have almost the same smell and color, but the violet rowing has a higher leg.However, even if you confuse these mushrooms, you should not have cause for concern. Truncated rowovka is an edible species with good taste. It is known that it is also suitable for eating in fresh and pickled form.
Distribution and application of violet rowing
Distribution: European countries, as well as North America. In Russia, the violet row can be found in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territories, as well as in the Amur Region. It grows in groups or rows, choosing mixed, coniferous and deciduous forests. It occurs in the fall (end of August-October), forming “witch rings”.
The peak of mushroom picking occurs in September-early October.
If weather conditions allow, then the fruiting body can be found even in the months of November and December. In this case, special attention should be paid to open places: the edge of the forest, edges and meadows. It grows simultaneously with a row of purple (Lepista nuda) - an edible mushroom. Often both species are found in the same places.
Application: there are many processing options for mushrooms of violet rows. Most often they are pickled, salted and fried. Sometimes housewives freeze the fruiting body for the winter. The mushroom requires preliminary boiling for 20 minutes.
The photos and description of the mushroom of the violet rowaning mushroom will help you to thoroughly prepare for the “mushroom” and not to miss a single edible mushroom.
However, never forget the main rule when collecting fruiting bodies: “not sure - don't take it!».