Why are white and black breasts bitter?
First you need to figure out why the mushrooms are bitter after salting and other processing processes. Then, after finding out the possible reasons, you should think about what you can do. I must say that the solution to this unpleasant feature will depend on the reasons why it is observed. After all, then you can certainly say what to do if the loaves are bitter after salting, pickling, frying or boiling.
Why are boiled and pickled white mushrooms bitter?
Among the breasts, white species are considered the most widespread. These mushrooms also received other names: real, pepper, wet. Mushroom pickers really love them for their high taste, because they belong to the first category of edibility. However, despite such privileges in taste, many fans of the “quiet hunt” may find that white breasts are bitter, why is this happening?
It turns out that everything is very simple: it is a natural bitterness, and it is inherent in almost all representatives of this species, among which are white mushrooms, loved by hundreds of mushroom pickers. These fruiting bodies belong to the lactera, because they contain a large amount of milky juice. In many species, this juice is very bitter, and white breasts are no exception. On a kink or slice, a white bitter liquid immediately begins to stand out. This phenomenon does not pose a threat to human health, but it can completely spoil all the fun of eating mushrooms.
If boiled silt marinated white breasts are bitter, how to deal with it? When enough time is devoted to the preliminary preparation of mushrooms, the question of bitterness, as a rule, disappears by itself. Otherwise, there is a risk: without thorough primary processing, one should not expect the desired result. Poor cleaning, improper soaking and heat treatment can play a trick on impatient hosts.
Soak the white breasts from 3 to 5 days, longer - it makes no sense. In this case, every 5-6 hours, change the water for fresh. After soaking, it is necessary to clean the fruit bodies from the remaining dirt, carefully scraping off the hats, and cut off the lower part of the legs. This can be done before soaking with a knife and a regular kitchen sponge.After that, the mushrooms must be boiled in two waters for 20 minutes, and then proceed to the recipes for processing.
Why are the black mushrooms bitter after salting and what to do?
Black mushrooms are less popular in the mushroom kingdom, as they are considered conditionally edible fruiting bodies. However, their taste remains at a fairly high level. Fried black breasts are especially appreciated, because their bodies even in finished form retain elasticity and pleasantly crunch.
Why are black breasts bitter after salting and other processing methods, and what methods exist to deal with this problem? Like most other species, black breasts contain the so-called milky vessels. At the slightest damage, they release juice, which gives the mushrooms astringency and pronounced bitterness.
How to cook black mushrooms then, so as not to bitter and thereby spoil the taste of the dish? Unlike white breasts, these representatives require more thorough primary processing. So, they need to be thoroughly scraped from a dark sticky skin, washed and soaked for 4 days in cold water, changing it each time to avoid fermentation processes. Then you should boil the fruiting bodies in salted water 3-4 times for 15 minutes each. Important: it is better to salt or pickle the black mushrooms separately from the white ones, otherwise the workpiece may deteriorate.
Should salted breasts be bitter?
There are situations when the breasts continue to be bitter even after processing, for example, after salting. As a result, the taste of the dish spoils, because it is simply impossible to eat, and with it the mood of all households deteriorates. Should the salty breasts be bitter, let's figure it out.
First of all, one should turn to possible reasons that can shed light on the situation. So, fruiting bodies must be soaked for about 3 days, constantly replacing water, because this is one of the main components of a quality snack. However, even thorough cleaning and soaking often does not eliminate the bitterishness of the product, it also needs to be boiled.
However, the heat treatment, which should immediately follow the soaking, can also be poorly carried out. Mushrooms should be boiled in several waters for 15-20 minutes. But this is not all: it is not recommended to eat the breasts for the first 35-40 days after the start of pickling, at this time they may still be bitter.
What to do if black breasts are bitter: how to fix the situation
So, if the salty breasts are bitter, then there are several reasons for this:
- improper cleaning;
- insufficient soaking;
- lack of heat treatment;
- violation of salting technology;
- excessive amount of spices;
- salting overripe specimens;
- improper storage (in the sun, at high temperature or humidity);
- tasting snacks before the due date;
Also one of the reasons for the possible bitterness of mushrooms is their collection in ecologically polluted places - near roads, factories and other industrial enterprises.
What to do if salty breasts are bitter? I must say that following the rules of primary processing, as well as the technology of salting and storage of the workpiece, there should not be bitterness. But if you made a mistake somewhere, then you should not be upset. But do not be fooled: an appetizer that was improperly stored certainly carries a danger to your health. Therefore, it is worthwhile to carefully check storage conditions again to eliminate the risk of infection with botulism. In other cases, the workpiece can be saved by performing a series of manipulations on it.
So, if the salty breasts are bitter, then how to fix this unpleasant situation? Soaking salted mushrooms is useless, but you can try to improve their taste. To do this, rinse the product, let it drain excess liquid and season with vegetable oil, vinegar, chopped garlic or onions. You can use lemon juice for refueling, as well as apple or grape vinegar. These ingredients will remove the bitterness or make it less noticeable. How else to cook mushrooms so as not to be bitter in a dish? For example, they can be fried and then added to the filling for dough products.And if you add onions to the fried mushrooms, then you can cook delicious first and second courses. I must say that all these recommendations also touch on another question: why are pickled milk mushrooms bitter, and how can they be helped?
Reasons why biscuits are bitter after cooking
Some housewives are wondering why the mushrooms are bitter even after cooking? In this case, there may also be several reasons:
- poor cleaning;
- improper soaking - at least 3 days, while constantly changing the water;
- picking overgrown mushrooms with rusty spots visible on their hats;
- improper boiling, which must take place in at least 3 waters, preferably with the addition of salt and citric acid.
How to fry mushrooms so as not to bitter?
The causes of bitterness in mushrooms described above can be attributed to the situation if you notice that a fried product also has this unpleasant feature. Having understood the causes of this problem, you can certainly know how to fry the mushrooms so as not to bitter.
To begin with, it is important to clean each instance of dirt and skin. Some mushroom pickers advise to completely remove the legs, which contain more bitterness than in hats.
Gruzdy - these are not those mushrooms that can be cleaned and immediately thrown into the pan. Therefore, the next step will be mandatory soaking for 3 days. It is necessary to change water every 4-6 hours, otherwise the product will ferment. Then the mushrooms should be boiled in 2-3 waters, and only then fry. You can add onions or garlic, thanks to which it is already possible to neutralize the bitterness, if it still remains after soaking and boiling.