What is the taste of rowing white and purple?
Edible rows and conditionally edible in most cases have a pleasant smell and taste. They are used to make preparations for the winter: they are salted, pickled and fried, after having previously been subjected to heat treatment.
Why are rowers of bitter taste, and how to get rid of it?
Many experienced mushroom pickers answer the question, why rowings of bitter taste and how to get rid of it?
Usually, bitterness is a problem of mature ranks, therefore it is advised to collect only young and strong mushrooms.
But if adult specimens are very good in appearance, then in order to get rid of bitterness, they are soaked for a while, for example, from 10 hours to 3 days. Very often, row rows form mycorrhiza with conifers, which causes the bitterness of mushrooms.
White duckweed is considered inedible, but not poisonous. The taste of white rowan is very pungent and burning, the smell is more like the smell of radish. The mushroom grows in dense forests in large colonies, resembling white “witch circles”. Sometimes found in city parks and groves. Many people confuse this mushroom with champignon, but its terribly pungent smell quickly allows them to be distinguished. But do not try the white row to taste - it will not give you pleasure.
Is it true that fried lilac-legged rowers become sweet in taste?
The purple row is often called the lilac-foot. Its distinctive feature is a purple hat with a diameter of up to 15 cm with an almost flat shape and curved edges. By the smell, these fruit bodies have interesting floral shades. And what is the taste of the purple row, and in what form can it be consumed?
Rowadok violet has a pleasant taste, does not require preliminary soaking and boiling. This type can be immediately fried or boiled in salads and toppings for pizzas and pies.
The fried legions of lilipods are excellent, becoming sweet in taste.
They are especially often used in combination with boiled eggs, rice, bell peppers, fried potatoes or stews. This type is ideal for diet food, having a low calorie content, it is used in many programs to reduce body weight.