Processing, storage of mushrooms at home
In this article you will receive recommendations on how to pickle mushrooms and pickle mushrooms for the winter. You will also learn how to store frozen mushrooms and at what temperature. In addition, you will be offered tips on how to cook mushrooms, fry and in what other ways you can process mushrooms at home.
Methods of harvesting and processing mushrooms
The primary processing of mushrooms consists of several stages. First, they need to be cleaned of debris, cut off legs or places damaged by insects. To prevent mushrooms from becoming black, it is better to use stainless steel knives.
The main methods for processing mushrooms are drying, pickling, salting and canning. They are based on creating the conditions under which microbes cannot develop, and the products retain their nutritional and taste qualities.
Cleaning and treating mushrooms is not the most exciting, but necessary activity: it is heating that is harmful. But having finished this stage, the harvesting and processing of mushrooms will seem to you not so time-consuming.
Some microbes bend around at 60 ° C, others at 60-100 ° C. However, there are bacteria that remain viable and at temperatures above 100 ° C. Later, under normal temperature conditions, they begin to develop and multiply. Preservation is impossible without the use of acetic or citric acid, as both of them suppress the vital activity of microbes. True, yeast and mold reproduce well in an acidic environment. Their appearance is inevitable when pickling and salting products. But this mold does not harm a person, it can simply be washed or collected.
Pathogens of botulism are especially dangerous in canned foods. They live only in airless space, and, as you know, there is no oxygen in cans. Under such conditions, toxins (poison) are produced that cause severe poisoning, which can be fatal. The victim should be urgently taken to the hospital. As a first aid, you can wash the stomach with a 5% solution of drinking soda, give a laxative, and put an enema. Canned from botulism toxin from canned foods do not differ from benign ones, so try not to buy salted or pickled mushrooms on the market. Since the bacterium botulinus lives in the soil, harvested mushrooms must be thoroughly washed, cleaned and not use stale and damaged fruiting bodies. Only in this case you can be sure that everything mushrooms are edible, carefully processed, salted or pickled with the observance of preventive measures, stored in appropriate conditions and with systematic care (removing mold, if necessary, digesting marinades, etc.).
Mushroom poisoning is considered one of the most dangerous food poisoning and can lead to the death of the victim, so do not take unknown and dubious mushrooms - they can be dangerous. At the first signs of poisoning (headache, stomach pain, nausea, which turns into uncontrolled vomiting), immediately call a doctor or ambulance. In such cases, maintaining health and life often depends on how quickly the patient receives medical care. It is most effective in the first 24 hours after consumption poisonous mushrooms.
Hot and cold ways to pickle mushrooms
For this method of storing mushrooms, lamellar mushrooms are most often taken, albeit with a bitter taste: valui, milk mushrooms, saffron milk mushrooms, traps, rowers, govorushki, russula. Usually they are salted in wooden barrels, enameled and glass containers. Dishes when pickling and pickling mushrooms must be clean and free from any odors. You can not salt the mushrooms in clay and galvanized tin dishes, since its coating can come into contact with the brine and poison the mushrooms.
There are cold and hot ways to pickle mushrooms. The difference between the cold method is that mushrooms do not boil before pickling. They are cleaned and washed, and mushrooms with a pungent taste, such as milk or valuy, are soaked in salted water for one to three days.
In the cold method, salting mushrooms at the bottom of the container, pour salt, then put a layer of mushrooms (6-8 cm), again salt, again a layer of mushrooms and so on until the dishes are filled. Per 1 kg of mushrooms usually takes 40-60 g of salt. Mushrooms of high quality are most often salted without any additives in order to preserve their special taste and aroma. But you can add garlic, pepper, dill, bay leaf, leaves of cherry or black currant. Salted mushrooms are crushed on top with a special wooden circle, on which they put oppression. Under it, the mushrooms settle and let the juice in a couple of days. In no case should lime stones, bricks or metal objects be used for oppression.
The hot pickling method is suitable for bitter-tasting mushrooms: milkersthrills valui and all kinds of mushrooms. Washed and peeled mushrooms are cooked in slightly salted water for about 30 minutes or blanched for 5-15 minutes, then they are thrown into a colander and allowed to dry. Next, the capacity is filled with mushrooms in the same way as in the cold method. Hot salted mushrooms can be eaten in a couple of weeks.
Fragrant spices and spices will help emphasize the taste and smell of harvested mushrooms.
Mushroom storage method: home-made pickling
For home pickling mushrooms are usually used gifts of the forest with a higher taste than salting. For this storage method, it is necessary to select mushrooms with a hat diameter of not more than 15-35 mm. They need to be cleaned, trimmed legs, rinse thoroughly with cold water and let drain in a colander.
To pickle 1 kg of mushrooms, you need 0.5 l of water, 50 g of 30% acetic acid, 10 peas of pepper, 2 bay leaves and about 10 g of salt. If desired, cloves, cinnamon or nutmeg can be added to the marinade. In the water you need to pour acid, put all the spices and bring to a boil. Boil the mushrooms for 5 minutes in salted water, remove with a slotted spoon and let the water drain. After that, boil for several minutes in the marinade, transfer to prepared containers and close immediately.
In principle, mushrooms can be cooked directly in the marinade. To do this, for 1 kg of mushrooms you need to take 1/3 cup of water, 2/3 cup of vinegar and 1 tbsp. l salt. The marinade must be brought to a boil and put peeled and washed mushrooms in it. Cook depending on the type: mushrooms for about 20 minutes, oyster mushrooms - about 30 minutes. Foam during boiling should be removed with a slotted spoon, and when it stops appearing, put 1 tsp in boiling marinade. sugar, 2 bay leaves, 5-6 peppercorns, cloves, a little cinnamon and citric acid.
How much to store frozen mushrooms for harvesting
For storage, mushrooms can simply be frozen, then they will retain all the valuable components.After freezing, mushrooms can be used for various harvestings. You can freeze not only fresh, but also fried or boiled mushrooms.
After defrosting, they are used for making soups, sauces, side dishes for meat and fish dishes, etc.
Stewed and fried mushrooms in frozen form can be stored for no more than three months, and boiled mushrooms can lie in the freezer at a temperature of -18 ° C for a year.
Freezing makes mushrooms available at any time of the year.
Frying mushrooms: how to fry mushrooms
Many consider forest mushrooms fried with potatoes to be a real delicacy. But often residents of a metropolis cannot afford a trip to the forest, so they buy familiar mushrooms for frying mushrooms. True, in large stores, porcini mushrooms and chanterelles are increasingly found. There is one mistake that many housewives make. Usually, mushrooms are simply cut and laid out in a preheated pan. But you will feel a huge difference if you first boil them a little (literally a few minutes) in slightly salted water.
Before frying mushrooms personally harvested in the forest, take all possible precautions. Rinse the mushrooms thoroughly. Do not leave half-cooked mushrooms (especially mushrooms) for a long time in the refrigerator (not in the freezer!), As they quickly wrinkle.
Frying mushrooms is one of the easiest and most popular cooking methods.
How and how much to cook mushrooms: mushroom cooking time
Usually, mushrooms are boiled either to prepare for pickling, or as the main ingredient in mushroom soups. In any case, several basic rules should be strictly observed. How much to cook mushrooms - depends on their variety.
On boiling, honey mushrooms form a gray foam on the surface of the water, which should be removed. Do not cook these mushrooms for more than 1 hour, as their taste properties are noticeably lost. During cooking, be sure to change the water 1-2 times.
Cooking time is oily - no more than 25-30 minutes and always in slightly salted water.
Champignons cook very quickly - 8-10 minutes; overcooked become "rubber."
Porcini mushrooms are cooked depending on the age of 25-35 minutes, while the resulting foam should be constantly removed.
It is enough to cook chanterelles for 15 minutes only (!) In enameled dishes. Salt a little water and constantly remove the foam. Resourceful housewives came up with an alternative method of cooking - soaking chanterelles in milk for 1 hour.
Failure to cook mushrooms can ruin them.
Boletus cooked no more than 15-20 minutes, while constantly need to remove the foam, and before cooking remove the film from the hats, otherwise the mushroom broth or the mushrooms themselves will be bitter. Boletus are pre-washed in running cold water. The optimal cooking time is 40-45 minutes.
Morels are first soaked for about 1 hour, and then cooked for 20 minutes in salted water.
Shiitake boil for only 3-4 minutes.
Talkers boil in salted water for about 25 minutes. After boiling, reduce the heat to the maximum.
Rowing, kids and raincoats, depending on age, are boiled for 15-20 minutes in salted water. Before this, they must be thoroughly cleaned of adhering debris and washed in running water. Never put frozen mushrooms in boiling water - this greatly affects their taste. Be patient and wait until the product is fully defrosted. Dried mushrooms should also not be immediately dipped in boiling water. Soak them in cold water for 1-1.5 hours and then cook.
Cooking is an intermediate step before pickling and frying mushrooms.