Hoof-shaped mushrooms
Hoof-shaped mushrooms
Tinder fungus red (Pycnoporus cinnabarinus).
Family: Bondartsevievye (Bondarzewiaceae).
Season: summer autumn.
Growth: often several mushrooms grow joined together, one above the other
The fruiting body is annual, hoofed and almost round.
The pulp is red, cork consistency.
The surface of young specimens is tuberous, bright red, smoothes and fades with age. The tubular hymenophore, carmine red; pores of medium size.
Ecology and distribution:
It grows on decaying hardwood (especially birch), less often on live weakened trees.
The real fungus (Fomes fomentarius).
Family: Polypore (Polyporaceae).
Season: all year round.
Growth: single and in groups.
The surface is tuberous, matte, with concentric ridges, covered with a woody crust of gray tones.
The tubular layer is finely porous, even, whitish or grayish, darkens upon contact. Fruit body, perennial, hoof-shaped.
The flesh is cork-like or woody, brown.
Inedible. In the past it was used as raw material for tinder.
Ecology and distribution:
It grows on deciduous trees (birch, aspen, alder, oak, beech and others). Most often appears on dead trees, dead trees and stumps, but can weaken and weakened living trees.
Oak sponge (Daedalea quercina).
Family: Phomitopsis (Fomitopsidaceae).
Season: all year round.
Growth: tiled groups.
The flesh is yellowish-beige, cork, with a harsh or mushroom smell.
Gymenophore labyrinthine beige or sand color. The pores are large, irregular, pseudo-plate structure.
The surface is uneven, tuberous or wrinkled, sometimes with concentric grooves, glabrous, yellowish-gray, beige or sand.
The fruiting body is perennial, hoof-shaped with a thickened base and a relatively thin edge.
Inedible. Mushroom broth is used in folk medicine in the treatment of hepatitis.
Ecology and distribution:
It grows on stumps and dead trunks of broad-leaved species (oak, beech, chestnut), as well as on processed wood: piles, sleepers, pillars. On living trees is extremely rare.
See how the mushrooms in the shape of a hoof look in these photos: