Collection of autumn mushrooms in the forest
The time of gathering honey mushrooms in the autumn forest (with video)
Harvesting autumn mushrooms can occur in almost any forest, whose age begins from 30 years and older. It follows from this that this type of fruiting bodies is distributed throughout the territory of the Russian Federation. Honey mushrooms prefer to grow up in large families, so they are so easy to spot in the forest. Most often, they can be found on rotten stumps, dead trunks, felling. In addition, autumn honey agarics often grow on forest clearings, roots and trunks of living trees.
The favorite growing area for all species of honey agarics is deciduous forest. Often they can be seen on birch, aspen and alder. As for coniferous forests, autumn species are less common here. To visually see how the autumn mushrooms are harvested, we suggest watching a video:
The real abundance of autumn mushrooms is located on swampy birch forests, alder trees, where there are many old fallen trees and stumps. Here, from one small area, you can collect more than one basket of fruit bodies. However, do not forget that real edible mushrooms have false counterparts, the use of which can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, before going to the forest for a mushroom crop, be sure to arm yourself with the knowledge that allows you to correctly distinguish edible mushrooms from false ones.
The time for picking autumn mushrooms again depends on weather conditions, as well as on the climatic characteristics of a particular territory. It is logical to conclude that autumn mushrooms should be collected in the fall. However, the time of the first appearance of this type of fruiting bodies can be observed already in mid-August. But traditionally, the main time for collecting autumn mushrooms falls on September-October. On average, the period of abundant growth of these fungi lasts about two weeks and mainly captures the first half of September. Intensive growth of autumn honey agarics is also observed after the settling of fogs in September-October.
Honey fungus growth is fast enough - within 2-3 days after heavy rains you can go for another "rich" crop. The most favorable weather conditions for the growth of these fruiting bodies are moderate humidity and a steady average air temperature of + 10 ° C. Sometimes autumn mushrooms can be collected even in November and December, if weather conditions allow it to be done. I must say that the time for collecting honey mushrooms occurs year-round, because in addition to autumn species, there are also winter, spring and summer mushrooms.
We recommend that you watch another video of gathering honey mushrooms in the autumn forest, thanks to which you can clearly see how and where autumn mushrooms grow: