When autumn mushrooms and a description of mushrooms are harvested
Still, the important question remains, when can I collect autumn mushrooms? Mushroom picking will depend on climatic conditions. For example, autumn mushrooms grow from early August to mid-November, that is, the main harvest time is September and October.
Let's look at a photo and description of autumn mushrooms and find out when to collect the two most popular species.
When can I collect autumn honey mushrooms (Armillaria mellea)
Latin name: Armillaria mellea.
Gender: Armillaria mushrooms.
Family: Fizalakrievye.
Synonyms: real honey agaric.
Hat: diameter from 3 to 15 cm, convex at a young age, then opens and becomes flat with wavy edges. Color ranges from honey brown to olive with a dark center. Light scales are located on the surface, which can disappear with age.
Leg: it is covered with flake-like scales, 7-12 cm long, with a diameter of 1 to 2 cm. It has a ring from the bedspread that does not disappear with age. The lower part is darker, widened at the base.
Pulp: in young specimens, the flesh is white, dense, has a pleasant smell. The pulp of the legs is fibrous, and with age acquires a rough consistency.
Records: young mushrooms are hidden under a veil, have a yellowish tint. In adulthood, they become brown or buffy.
Harvest Season: the time when autumn mushrooms are harvested depends on the weather conditions in the region. Usually this is mid-August, and the peak of the collection occurs in September.
Edibility: edible mushroom.
Spread: grows throughout Russia on the trunks of dead trees and rotten stumps.
When you need to collect autumn thick-footed honey mushrooms (Armillaria lutea)
Latin name: Armillaria lutea.
Gender: Armillaria mushrooms.
Family: Fizalakrievye.
Synonyms: Armillaria Bulbosa, Inflata.
Hat: diameter from 2.5 to 10 cm. At a young age, the mushroom has a wide-conical hat with turned edges, then it becomes denser and the edges fall. At first it has a dark brown color, turns yellow with age. On the surface there are numerous conical flakes that persist even in adults.
Leg: cylindrical with a club-shaped thickening to the base. The "skirt" is membranous, white, which then breaks.
Pulp: white with an unpleasant cheese smell.
Records: frequent, become brown with age.
Harvest Season: the time when you need to collect autumn honey mushrooms is thick-legged, begins from mid-September until the end of October.
Edibility: edible mushroom.
Spread: It is a saprophyte and grows on the lush grass, rotting stumps and tree trunks.