How to store milk after salting in a cold way
They are all quite simple and do not require any special conditions. Read the tips and put them into practice. Pay attention to this fact. Before storing the mushrooms after salting in a cold way, you need to boil all used containers with boiling water, especially this concerns oak and aspen barrels.
How to store milk after cold salting
Store salted mushrooms in a cool, well-ventilated area. It is best to keep the temperature there at 5–6 ° C. It should not fall below 0 ° C, otherwise the mushrooms will freeze, crumble, lose their taste, and at temperatures above 6 ° C they soured and deteriorate. When storing salted mushrooms, you should regularly check whether they are covered with brine.
Before storing the mushrooms after cold pickling, one rule must be learned: mushrooms should always be in the brine, be immersed in it, not float. If the brine evaporates, it becomes less than necessary, then cool boiled water is added to the dishes with mushrooms. In the event of mold, the circle and fabric are washed in hot, slightly salted water. Mold from the walls of the dishes is removed with a clean cloth moistened with hot water.
Salted mushrooms are most often eaten as a snack.
They also make a filling for pies, cold dishes, boil mushrooms, soups.
All these varied dishes are very nutritious and tasty. If salted mushrooms are washed in several waters or boiled in clean water or milk until salinity disappears, they will taste like fresh ones. After such preliminary preparation, they are fried, used for soups, saltwort, etc. Salted breasts are stored in glass jars, enamelled buckets, wooden tubs or stainless steel tanks.
Enamel buckets should be checked for enamel strength: old buckets with spoiled enamel are not suitable for storing mushrooms. Tinned and galvanized buckets are absolutely unsuitable: their top layer dissolves under the influence of acids (mushroom liquid), and forms poisonous compounds. Wood utensils should be new or always used only for storing mushrooms.
Pickles from salted cucumbers or cabbage are not suitable, since mushrooms, when stored in them, acquire an unusual taste. In barrels of rainwater, mushrooms quickly deteriorate. Jars and bottles for storing mushrooms must be sealed. Mushrooms remaining in open banks will quickly deteriorate. Before use, the dishes should be thoroughly washed as follows: at least 8-10 hours should be kept in warm water, then washed in alkaline water using soda (per 1 liter of water 1 tablespoon of soda), rinsed with boiling water or boiled in clean water (without additions) 5-10 minutes, then drain water; Do not wipe with a towel.Mushroom dishes are immediately washed and stored under a lid or upside down in a clean, dry room with good air access.
Wooden dishes should be equipped with two lids: a small, wooden circle that fits freely into the container, on which the oppression stone is placed, and a larger circle that completely covers the dishes. Both covers are cleaned thoroughly with sand and soda water, poured with boiling water and allowed to dry. On the mushrooms, under a circle with oppression, put a clean, dense boiled napkin that completely covers the mushrooms. Purely washed cobblestone is used as oppression.
Metal oppression impairs the taste and color of the mushrooms.
Glass jars and bottles are tightly closed with cellophane, parchment, rubber or plastic tires, corks and metal lids. Rinse cellophane and parchment in boiling water. Tires and corks made of plastic are soaked for 10–18 minutes in a soda solution, then rinsed in boiled water. Rubber covers and corks are thoroughly washed with soda water and boiled in clean water for 5-10 minutes, then on a clean cloth give water to drain. The metal covers are washed with soda water, left in this water for 5-10 minutes, and then several times, changing the water, rinsed with boiled water and spread on a clean cloth. Mushrooms should be stored in a clean, cool, dark room. The most favorable room temperature is from +1 to +4 ºС. Mushrooms can be preserved for a long time if microorganisms are destroyed or their development is retarded.
How to store salty black mushrooms after salting
Before storing salted black muffins after salting, you need to make sure that the mushrooms are completely ready and the fermentation process has stopped. Black salads after salting are stored in exactly the same way as the rest of the breasts. Although the black lump does not belong to the little-known edible mushrooms, but salted with garlic and spices it is in no way inferior, for example, to the yellow lump. In saline, the mushroom acquires a beautiful dark cherry color. A characteristic feature of black breasts is that in salting they are very resistant, can be stored for years without losing strength and taste.